Tomatillos are small vegetables (botanically fruits) with enclosing husks. They resemble small unripe tomatoes and are usually green or yellow. The yellow color indicates ripeness, but tomatillos are most often used when they are still green. Green tomatillos are firmer and easier to slice. The husk that holds the fruit is paper-like and is light brown. The flesh is slightly acidic with a hint of lemon.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Hamachi Salad (Engl)
(Hamachi Fish)
Hamachi (young yellowtail): Yellowtail is the common name of a number of species of amberjack -- sleek migratory fish similar to the tunas. The japanese variety called hamachi has light golden flesh and may display a dark streak along the edge of a fillet, a characteristic of the two-toned musculature of fish that cruise the open seas. Since hamachi is not listed on many American sushi menus, it may be overlooked. It's one of the most rewarding discoveries you can make at a sushi bar.
Hamachi can be as rich as toro, smooth and buttery with a deep smoky taste, but not as overpoweringly fatty. The area around the pectoral fins is considered the tastiest part and is often set aside for special customers. Some sushi bars grill the skeleton and the bits of meat left on it and serve it as an appetizer or snack.
Although varieties of yellowtail are plentiful in waters off both U.S. coasts, hamachi are usually flown in frozen from Japan, where they are raised in hatcheries and harvested when they weigh between fifteen and twenty pounds -- just right for sushi. Yellowtail caught here are usually too lean to qualify.
Hamachi (young yellowtail): Yellowtail is the common name of a number of species of amberjack -- sleek migratory fish similar to the tunas. The japanese variety called hamachi has light golden flesh and may display a dark streak along the edge of a fillet, a characteristic of the two-toned musculature of fish that cruise the open seas. Since hamachi is not listed on many American sushi menus, it may be overlooked. It's one of the most rewarding discoveries you can make at a sushi bar.
Hamachi can be as rich as toro, smooth and buttery with a deep smoky taste, but not as overpoweringly fatty. The area around the pectoral fins is considered the tastiest part and is often set aside for special customers. Some sushi bars grill the skeleton and the bits of meat left on it and serve it as an appetizer or snack.
Although varieties of yellowtail are plentiful in waters off both U.S. coasts, hamachi are usually flown in frozen from Japan, where they are raised in hatcheries and harvested when they weigh between fifteen and twenty pounds -- just right for sushi. Yellowtail caught here are usually too lean to qualify.
Fish and Seafood
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Pickles (Engl)
The end of summer is all about dealing with the huge bounty that the garden or farmer's market dished up. To answer the question of what to do with a hundred cucumbers, a giant bag of onions or a dozen head of cabbage, there is a very simple answer… preserve.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Chocolate Panna Cotta (Engl)
Serves 4
•3½ oz (100g) milk
•3½ oz (100g) heavy cream
•8 tsp (20g) powdered sugar
•1 tsp (2g) agar powder (also known as agar-agar)
•½ pod vanilla bean, sliced lengthwise & scraped
•3½ oz (100g) bittersweet chocolate pieces
•2 egg yolks (reserve whites for other recipes)
Garnishes (optional)
•fresh berries
•powdered sugar
Serves 4
•3½ oz (100g) milk
•3½ oz (100g) heavy cream
•8 tsp (20g) powdered sugar
•1 tsp (2g) agar powder (also known as agar-agar)
•½ pod vanilla bean, sliced lengthwise & scraped
•3½ oz (100g) bittersweet chocolate pieces
•2 egg yolks (reserve whites for other recipes)
Garnishes (optional)
•fresh berries
•powdered sugar
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tschechien: Budweiser in Gefahr (DE)
Das Pilsener Bier aus Budweis ist für die Tschechen mehr als nur ein Bier. Es ist ein Stück nationale Identität. Doch jetzt droht der Verkauf.Tschechiens Biertrinker sind alarmiert. Die Regierung will die Brauerei in Budweis in eine Aktiengesellschaft umwandeln. Allerdings - so wird beteuert - wolle der Staat die Aktienmehrheit an Budweiser anschließend behalten. In Budweis wird gerade das bezweifelt. Schließlich würde ein Verkauf bis zu 1,2 Milliarden in die leeren Staatskassen spülen. Großes Interesse hat vor allem der Biergigant Anheuser-Busch InBev, der sein eigenes Budweiser bisher nicht in Europa schützen lassen darf.
Wines and Beer
Top 10 Fattest Countries (Engl)
Find out which countries are carrying the most weight.
Food Info
Top 10 Facts About Oktoberfest (Engl)
Oktoberfest is the biggest funfair, and the most famous drinking festival in the world. Find out the 10 things that make it so amazing.
Food Info,
Wines and Beer
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Melanzane - Eggplants Engl (IT)
Melanzana Rossa di Rotonda (IT)

È piccola e tondeggiante come una mela, di colore arancio intenso con sfumature verdognole e rossastre: più che una melanzana sembra un caco o un pomodoro. Non a caso nella parlata locale si chiama merlingiana a pummadora. La melanzana Rossa di Rotonda (Solanum Aethiopicum) non ha nulla da spartire con la comune melanzana (Solanum Melongena) giunta in Europa forse dall’India e provvista di bacche di un bel viola intenso. Quella di Rotonda è arrivata alla fine dell’Ottocento, probabilmente dall’Africa, forse importata da alcuni soldati di ritorno dalle guerre coloniali.
Sconosciuta altrove, è una pianta rustica coltivata in Italia unicamente in alcune aziende del comune di Rotonda in Basilicata nel Massiccio del Pollino al confine con la Calabria e ha un sapore più piccante ed esotico delle comuni melanzane. Le piantine sono poste a dimora in maggio e il primo raccolto avviene nel mese di agosto per continuare fino ai primi freddi.
Anche le modalità di conservazione sono caratteristiche: le piccole melanzane sono nzertate, cioè legate a grappoli come si fa per peperoni e pomodorini, e quindi messe ad asciugare sotto tettoie.
È consumata sott’olio e sott’aceto, quasi mai appena colta, e sono apprezzate anche le foglie, tenere, molto diverse da quelle della comune melanzana, per forma e dimensioni.
La polpa è carnosa, non annerisce nemmeno dopo parecchie ore dal taglio; il profumo è intenso, fruttato (ricorda addirittura il fico d’India); al palato è piccante con un gradevole finale amarognolo.
Asian Eggplants (Engl)
(Pea Aubergines)
(Thai Eggplants)
(Apple Eggplants)
(Yellow Eggplant)
Chinese recipes,
Food Info,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Munich - Beer Garden Style Cabbage and Sausage (Engl)

The hearty flavors of classic German fare come alive in this dish, featuring a variety of traditional sausages, beets, and of course, the German staple cabbage.
German recipes
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Flourless Chocolate Cake-Chocolate Budino (Engl)

Bake along with Iron Chef Cat Cora as she whips up a flourless chocolate cake. Plus, learn how to temper correctly.
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