Friday, December 14, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Bacon Ice Cream and Fig Dessert (Engl)
Eric Ripert visits Tuscany to learn about the art of making and eating lardo. Along the way he enjoys fine wines, amazing meals and interesting concoctions. One of the most interesting concoctions is a Bacon Ice Cream. AVEC ERIC serves up an array of unique culinary inventions.
Eric Ripert visits Tuscany to learn about the art of making and eating lardo. Along the way he enjoys fine wines, amazing meals and interesting concoctions. One of the most interesting concoctions is a Bacon Ice Cream. AVEC ERIC serves up an array of unique culinary inventions.
Food Info,
Italian recipes
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
How Beer Saved the World (Engl) (Esp)
Did you know that beer was critical to the birth of civilization? That’s right – beer. Scientists and historians line up to tell the amazing, untold story of how beer helped create math, poetry, pyramids, modern medicine, labor laws, and America. If you think beer is just something cold and filling to drink during sporting matches or in the kind of bars that you probably shouldn’t order wine in, then, boy, are you ever in the dark. It turns out beer is responsible for, like, all the greatest things on earth. Learn more about what beer did for you.
(Spanish Subtitles)
Wines and Beer
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Spice Trail (Engl)
The Spice Trail - Vanilla and Saffron (Engl)
Kate Humble's journey takes her from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco to the plains of Spain as she uncovers the story of the world's most expensive spice, saffron, before crossing the Atlantic to Mexico in search of vanilla, a spice discovered by the famous Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes.
In the Atlas Mountains, October is saffron harvest month for the Berber people. Kate joins local saffron farmer Ahmed and his family to harvest their crop and visits a stunning store house carved into the mountainside.
Worth 4,000 pounds a kilo, saffron is also known as red gold and inspires countless imitations. In Spain, Kate turns detective as she joins a blind tasting to sort out genuine saffron from the fakes and meets a man who tests its DNA in order to make sure it's genuine.
The Berbers of Morocco took saffron to Spain in the Muslim conquest of the 8th century, and 800 years later it was an ambitious Spaniard that brought us the next exotic taste, vanilla. It's now so widespread that it has become the world's most popular ice-cream flavour.
Kate journeys to Paplanta in Mexico, the birthplace of vanilla, to meet the Totonac - the original guardian of the spice. She witnesses a spectacular death-defying fertility dance and meets the people determined to keep Mexican vanilla alive in the face of the massive competition from other producers.
The Spice Trail - Pepper and Cinnamon (Engl)Kate Humble retraces the steps of 15th-century explorers as she sets out on a spice trail that takes her to India and Sri Lanka, the birthplaces of pepper and cinnamon. She begins her travels on India's 'Spice Coast', where she uncovers the story of pepper, once known as black gold and now the most consumed spice in the world. She does the pepper dance to shake the berries from their stalk, meets farmers fighting back against a disease that is devastating pepper crops, and is taught the centuries-old secret language still used by the traders who wheel and deal in the spice. From India, Kate heads south to Sri Lanka, the land of cinnamon - a place shrouded in mystery to Europeans until the Portugese accidentally landed on its shores. She attends the spectacular Buddhist festival, or Perahara, which celebrates local resistance to the invaders, and takes part in the delicate process of harvesting the spice and making a cinnamon quill. Finally, she witnesses the crucial make-or-break negotiations of local farmers trying to sell their crops.
The Spice Trail - Nutmeg and Cloves (Engl)
Kate Humble embarks on a journey around the fabled spice islands of eastern Indonesia in search of two spices that launched epic voyages of discovery, caused bloody wars and shaped empires - nutmeg and cloves. These two spices, grown on an archipelago of tiny volcanic islands, drew European explorers in search of unbelievable wealth, but also led to massacres of local people and the decimation of their culture. Kate meets the people who have rebuilt their lives and communities around the cultivation and trade of nutmeg and cloves, takes her place on one of the fastest produciton lines in the world, and discovers how the battle for these two spices led to the beginning of the British Empire in North America.
Food Info,
Food, Wine, Eating out – a Galician way of life (Engl)
Watch this video to learn about the fantastic local food and wine of Galicia, which includes fish, seafood, tapas, ham and chorizo.
Up in the north-west of Spain, is world-famous for its food and wine. Proud of its locally sourced ingredients and large variety of restaurants, this region is home to an eclectic array of traditional Spanish dishes, including fresh seafood, empanadas, Spanish ham (jamon), chorizo, rustic stews, and a wide variety of local cheese. With the longest stretch of coastline in Spain, stretching for more than 700 miles, the region boasts some of the finest seafood in Europe: lobster, octopus, oysters and fresh fish are all prepared using traditional cooking techiniques in bustling tapas bars and fine-dining restaurants across the region. Fresh produce and the famed oyster farms line Vigo Bay makes Galicia the gastronomic envy of the world. For an alternative to fine-dining, seek out the friendly oyster sellers in Vigo's Casco Vello Market for a fresh alfresco treat. Rías Baixas is the most important Denomination of Origin (DO) in Galicia. Formally established in 1988, this DO wine owes much of its acclaim to the white albariño grape, which has been elevated by many in Spain and abroad to cult status.
Up in the north-west of Spain, is world-famous for its food and wine. Proud of its locally sourced ingredients and large variety of restaurants, this region is home to an eclectic array of traditional Spanish dishes, including fresh seafood, empanadas, Spanish ham (jamon), chorizo, rustic stews, and a wide variety of local cheese. With the longest stretch of coastline in Spain, stretching for more than 700 miles, the region boasts some of the finest seafood in Europe: lobster, octopus, oysters and fresh fish are all prepared using traditional cooking techiniques in bustling tapas bars and fine-dining restaurants across the region. Fresh produce and the famed oyster farms line Vigo Bay makes Galicia the gastronomic envy of the world. For an alternative to fine-dining, seek out the friendly oyster sellers in Vigo's Casco Vello Market for a fresh alfresco treat. Rías Baixas is the most important Denomination of Origin (DO) in Galicia. Formally established in 1988, this DO wine owes much of its acclaim to the white albariño grape, which has been elevated by many in Spain and abroad to cult status.
Food Info,
Spanish Recipes
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Hongkong - Top 10 Sehenswürdigkeiten zu sehen und zu tun (DE)
Planen Sie Hongkong zu besuchen? Diese erstaunliche Stadt bietet so viel zu sehen und zu tun, wie für Beispielpe:: Lantau, Kowloon, Victoria Peak und Disneyland Hong Kong.
White Truffle Risotto (Engl) Link
We head to 8 ½ Otto e Mezzo to learn how to make the lavish white truffle risotto from chef Umberto Bombana.
Highly prized for its rarity and distinctive and pleasing aroma, white truffles are one of the most precious ingredients in the world of gastronomy. At the peak of the white truffle season, we head to 8 ½ Otto e Mezzo Bombana at Alexandra House in Central to ask the "King of White Truffles" – to teach us how to prepare this luxurious Italian dish for a lavishing Christmas feast at home.
In this video, chef Bombana will walk through the steps on how to prepare the perfect Italian risotto. He will also give us tips on how to choose the precious white truffles and the best ways of serving them.
320g carnaroli rice
40g chopped shallot
400ml chicken and veal white stock
40ml extra virgin olive oil
40ml white wine
15ml mascarpone
15ml taleggio
60g Jerusalem artichoke in small dice
30g unsalted butter
20g extra virgin olive oil
30g Parmigiano reggiano
30g Fontina cheese
Highly prized for its rarity and distinctive and pleasing aroma, white truffles are one of the most precious ingredients in the world of gastronomy. At the peak of the white truffle season, we head to 8 ½ Otto e Mezzo Bombana at Alexandra House in Central to ask the "King of White Truffles" – to teach us how to prepare this luxurious Italian dish for a lavishing Christmas feast at home.
In this video, chef Bombana will walk through the steps on how to prepare the perfect Italian risotto. He will also give us tips on how to choose the precious white truffles and the best ways of serving them.
320g carnaroli rice
40g chopped shallot
400ml chicken and veal white stock
40ml extra virgin olive oil
40ml white wine
15ml mascarpone
15ml taleggio
60g Jerusalem artichoke in small dice
30g unsalted butter
20g extra virgin olive oil
30g Parmigiano reggiano
30g Fontina cheese
Link to the video recipe
Italian recipes
Sternekoch Tim Raue setzt auf Qualität (DE) (Engl)
In seinem Restaurant TIM RAUE in Berlin-Mitte setzt der Sternekoch auf höchste Qualität und Handarbeit. Angefangen beim Interieur-Design bis hin zu seinen eigenen Kreationen.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Tokio, das neue Mekka der Gourmets (DE)
Tokio hat Paris, jahrhundertelang Welthauptstadt der Gastronomie, den Rang abgelaufen. Auch in diesem Jahr gibt es in der japanischen Hauptstadt wieder mehr Dreisterneköche als in Frankreich. Außerdem registriert Tokio mit 261 Sternen die höchste Zahl von Michelin-Sternen - dreimal mehr als Paris! In Frankreich ist zwar nicht jeder mit dem Erfindungs- und Abwechslungsreichtum der asiatischen Küche vertraut, doch die Meisterköche schon: Ducasse, Gagnaire, Troisgros, Pourcel - alle französischen Starköche haben Restaurants in Tokio! Als Botschafter und Verfechter des französischen kulinarischen Kulturerbes gesteht Joël Robuchon, Stolz der französischen 'Cuisine' und 'Koch des Jahrhunderts', mit Bedauern ein, dass 'Frankreich in der Welt das Image einer überholten, vergangenheitslastigen und wenig erfinderischen' Küche hat. Eroberungsstrategie, notwendige Anpassung an die Globalisierung, geschmackliche Experimente - sind das die Gründe, warum Tokio Paris überrunden konnte? Wer sind die Sterneköche in Tokio? Um eine Antwort auf diese Fragen zu finden, traf sich Filmemacherin Isabelle Cottenceau mit dem frankophilen Spitzenkoch Shuzo Kishida. Der Japaner wurde in Frankreich ausgebildet, arbeitete für die Pourcel-Brüder in Montpellier, im Pariser 'Astrance' und eröffnete sein eigenes französisches Restaurant, 'Quintessence', in Tokio - das prompt drei Sterne bekam! Mit 35 Jahren ist Shuzo der jüngste Dreisternekoch der Welt. Seine Koch-Philosophie ist schlicht, die Gerichte werden allerdings kunstvoll und mit einer Prise Poesie angerichtet. Eine weitere erstaunliche Erfolgsgeschichte ist die von 'Sukiyabashi Jiro', der bescheidenen Sushi Bar, die ebenfalls in den geschlossenen Club der Dreisterne-Etablissements aufgenommen wurde. Eine Minibar im Keller, keine eigene Toilette, zehn Barhocker - und dennoch trifft man hier zuweilen alle großen französischen Küchenchefs in Tokio. Jean-Luc Naret, 'Monsieur Globalisierung' des Hauses Michelin, erläutert die Hintergründe der gastronomischen Japan-Euphorie.
Food Info,
Monday, October 1, 2012
Guarapo - Miel de Palma (Esp)
El Guarapo en Canarias se le llama al jugo dulce extraído de la palmera canaria (Phoenix canariensis Hort. Ex Chab.), con el se elabora tanto la miel de palma como la bebida dulce del mismo nombre, entre otras.
El guarapo es una mezcla de savia bruta y elaborada que mana del palmito de la palmera canaria, muy dulce y con un sabor peculiar, es una bebida refrescante, energética (alta concentración en minerales) y muy deliciosa.
El Guarapo o savia de palma se obtiene tras un corte en los tejidos superiores del palmito, previa eliminación de las hojas jóvenes de la palmera, obteniéndose este zumo vegetal de alto valor nutricional. Después de la conquista de las Islas Canarias, S.XV, por parte del reino de España, los historiadores comienzan a recoger información sobre los aspectos etnográficos y culturales de los antiguos canarios.
La práctica del guarapeo se lleva realizando en Canarias desde hace, por lo menos 500 años, llegando hasta nuestros días, con todas sus técnicas y variantes en muy buen estado.
La Técnica de guarapeo se estuvo realizando en todas las islas del Archipiélago Canario, tal proceso fue olvidándose progresivamente hasta el punto de estar relegada su producción exclusivamente al norte de la isla de La Gomera.
La famosa miel de palma, elaborada exclusivamente (sin añadidos) a partir de la savia o guarapo de la palmera canaria (Phoenix canariensis Hort. Ex Chab.), es la reina de la cocina gomera, siendo utilizada tanto en prevención de enfermedades dentro de la medicina popular canaria, como en la elaboración de postres y cócteles o acompañado en distintos platos
. La miel de palma es la representación más evidente y llamativa de la estrecha vinculación que los habitantes de La Gomera han mantenido con la palmera, llegando a crear toda una genuina cultura asociada a esta planta.
Food Info,
Spanish Recipes
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations - Emilia Romagna-Italy (Engl)
Tony tours the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy with Italian-trained chef Michael White. The two rent a red Ferrari and cruise across the region, sampling culatello, balsamic vinegar, Sangiovese wine and a variety of Italian cheeses .
Food Info,
Friday, September 21, 2012
Gordon Ramsays Ultimate Cookery Course (Engl)
Cooking with Spices
Gordon's cookery course continues as he shows how to cook with spices. Recipes include a gutsy slow-cooked fiery lamb, a curry-spiced sweetcorn soup, and a simple but delicious aromatic rice pudding.
Cooking with Chilli (Engl)
Recipes created by Gordon include red mullet with sweet chilli sauce, classic jerk chicken, and a super simple spicy beef salad.
Gordon's cookery course continues as he shows how to cook with spices. Recipes include a gutsy slow-cooked fiery lamb, a curry-spiced sweetcorn soup, and a simple but delicious aromatic rice pudding.
Cooking with Chilli (Engl)
Recipes created by Gordon include red mullet with sweet chilli sauce, classic jerk chicken, and a super simple spicy beef salad.
Food Info,
Spices and Herbs
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Anthony.Bourdain.No.Reservations -Penang (Engl)
The food and culture of Penang, Malaysia, is explored. Featured eats include fresh snapper and a rice-and-shrimp dish wrapped in a banana leaf.
Asian Food,
Food Info
Friday, September 7, 2012
Chef Hunter - Les Halles (Engl)
Two chefs interview for the job of Chef de Cuisine at Les Halles, the legendary Manhattan restaurant. Each candidate is given the keys to the restaurant for a night and must attempt to replicate some of Les Halles' classic French dishes, as well as create some of their own specials for the menu. Only one will receive a real job and become Les Halles' new Chef de Cuisine.
Food Info,
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Kolumbien (DE)
Eine Dokumentation über die landschaftlichen und kulturellen Schönheiten Kolumbiens von ARD.
Kolumbien ist auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert - noch interessanter und exklusiver ist es dort zu chartern. San Andres y Providencia, Islas de San Blas, Islas del Rosario, San Bernardo etc., wunderschöne Atolle...
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Jamaican Jerk (Engl)
Perhaps no Caribbean food is more widely known than Jamaica's jerk. Jeremy McConnell at Scotchie's, demonstrates how he prepares jerk pork and chicken. Chef Bill Moore of Push Cart Foods explains that authentic jerk takes days of marinating, and must be smoked over pimento wood.
Carribean recipes
Puerto Rico's Markets (Engl)
When exploring culinary Puerto Rico, what better place to start than a market? And who better to serve as our guide than Chef Wilo Benet, A Culinary Institute of America graduate and one of the island's premier chefs whose restaurant Pikayo is a beacon to all who visit in search of the tastes of Puerto Rico. He'll give us a basic course in the Puerto Rican market basket at the Plaza del Mercado, a small, but lively market in the Santurce area of San Juan. Here, we get our first look at the bounty of this region where sometimes the freshest ingredients like bananas and avocados are growing outside the back door.
American recipes,
Classic Greek Cooking with Aglaia Kremezi (Engl)
Award winning cookbook author Aglaia Kremezi explains some of the fundamentals of Greek cooking.
Greek recipes,
Monday, August 27, 2012
Travis's Pomegranate Molasses Salad Dressing (Engl)
Travis McAuley shows Nerida how to whip up a simple salad dressing using luscious Pomegranate Molasses.
What is Pomegranate Syrup - Molasses? (Recipe) (Engl) In this episode of What's This Food, Dan explores the popular Middle Eastern cooking ingredient, Pomegranate Syrup, and makes the classic Persian dish, Fesenjan. Fesenjan is a stewed dish with chicken, walnuts and Pomegranate Syrup.
What is Pomegranate Syrup - Molasses? (Recipe) (Engl) In this episode of What's This Food, Dan explores the popular Middle Eastern cooking ingredient, Pomegranate Syrup, and makes the classic Persian dish, Fesenjan. Fesenjan is a stewed dish with chicken, walnuts and Pomegranate Syrup.
Sauces and Dips
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Cordero al Burduntzi (Esp)
Spanish Recipes
Crispy dried Fish, Rice and Sambal Terasi (Engl)
Indonesian Recipe
2 dried groper or barramundi, around 400g each 1 litre (4 cups) vegetable oil Steamed rice, lime wedges and chopped fresh chilli, to serve Sambal 5 candle nuts 1 tsp ground turmeric Juice of 1 lime 2 cm knob ginger, peeled 3 red Asian eschalots, peeled 2 cloves garlic 6 red bird's eye chillies, chopped 2 tbs grated palm sugar 2 tsp terasi (shrimp paste) 100ml tamarind water (see note) 60ml (¼ cup) palm oil
To reconstitute the dried fish, place it in a heatproof bowl and cover with boiling water. Stand until the water is cool, then drain, rinse and pat dry. Meanwhile, for the sambal, grind all the ingredients except the palm oil in a mortar and pestle until a coarse paste forms. Heat the palm oil in a wok over medium heat, and cook the sambal for about 10 minutes or until thick and pulpy. Remove from the heat and cool. Makes about ½ cup. Heat the vegetable oil in a large saucepan or wok to 190°C. Deep-fry the fish, in batches if necessary, until golden and crisp. Drain on paper towel. Serve with steamed rice, sambal, lime wedges and chopped chilli.
Note: To make tamarind water, place 50g tamarind paste in a heatproof bowl and pour over 150ml boiling water. Allow to cool, then combine well. Strain the mixture through a fine strainer, extracting as much liquid as possible. Discard the solids.
Asian Food
Monday, July 9, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Cheeses (Engl) (IT) (DE) (Esp)
(Italian Cheeses)
(Italian Cheeses)
Italian cheeses are famous all around the world being extremely tasty and apt for cooking of everyday and special meals. You may find any sort of cheese you want in this wonderful country, which annually attracts a lot of tourists with its numerous sights and highlights. Italian cheeses can be soft and firm, made of milk and cream, whey and curd, salt and sweet in taste. In short, your every cheese-related culinary wish will be easily realized in the country of pastas and pizzas, which cannot even be imagined without this delicious product.
A long list of Italian cheeses astonishes the fantasy, and if you are not a native of this country it is easy to lose yourself in such a variety. You will need much more time than usual vacations to discover all the delights of the Italian cuisine in general and cheese in particular. A common decision in this situation is to choose a sort, which is not unusual, and taste it with different dishes and drinks. Actually, it is difficult to expect the wish to try some specific cheese (for example, a sharp-odored one) from the person who had never tasted the Italian cheese before.
It is the most reasonable to begin a trip across the Italian cheese making from soft creamy cheeses, as they are the most common and most people on the globe are their fans because of a mild texture and a delightful flavor. The supermarkets of Italy offer a deal of creamy cheeses, and the choice is truly wide: Gorgonzola, Bel Paese, Mascarpone, Parmesan and tens of other sorts of Italian cheese made of cream or just having a pleasant texture.
If you are not sure about the sort to buy (especially when you need a definite cheese for your recipe) address a market operator who will willingly help you. If cheese is necessary for the dish you should really buy the sort mentioned in the culinary book with the purpose to avoid trouble and disappointment. The fact is that each Italian cheese is made with adding different bacteria and in accordance with different technologies, so the flavor may vary. And if the dish is expected to have a special taste only a definite cheese may provide it.
If you prefer hard cheeses with a firm structure the best are Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano and Fontina. Do not forget that hard cheeses are wonderful for grating, so if the recipe needs grated Italian cheese buy a firm one without hesitation. These sorts are also perfect with fruit. The best way you can use them is top salads, soups and pastas - all Italians do so. There are also cheeses made of milk (most cheeses) and whey (for example, Ricotta). Their flavor much differs and the texture is not the same. Cheeses made of milk usually become more granular in texture when aged.
But if you are looking for the most common, well-known and willingly-purchased cheese in Italy you should buy Provolone. The reason of its popularity is very simple: the cheese is, indeed, universal and may be used in cooking of various dishes. It has a lightly-sour flavor because of adding special acid. Citric acid Provolone is good both as an independent snack and an addition or ingredient to some dish. If you go to Italy on your vacations do not limit yourself to architecture, historical monuments and museums. You will all the same need some food to keep fit, so try to know the most you can about a delicious Italian cuisine, which annually attracts no less tourists than the Italian sights and points of interest.
(Italian Cheeses)
Italian cheeses are famous all around the world being extremely tasty and apt for cooking of everyday and special meals. You may find any sort of cheese you want in this wonderful country, which annually attracts a lot of tourists with its numerous sights and highlights. Italian cheeses can be soft and firm, made of milk and cream, whey and curd, salt and sweet in taste. In short, your every cheese-related culinary wish will be easily realized in the country of pastas and pizzas, which cannot even be imagined without this delicious product.
A long list of Italian cheeses astonishes the fantasy, and if you are not a native of this country it is easy to lose yourself in such a variety. You will need much more time than usual vacations to discover all the delights of the Italian cuisine in general and cheese in particular. A common decision in this situation is to choose a sort, which is not unusual, and taste it with different dishes and drinks. Actually, it is difficult to expect the wish to try some specific cheese (for example, a sharp-odored one) from the person who had never tasted the Italian cheese before.
It is the most reasonable to begin a trip across the Italian cheese making from soft creamy cheeses, as they are the most common and most people on the globe are their fans because of a mild texture and a delightful flavor. The supermarkets of Italy offer a deal of creamy cheeses, and the choice is truly wide: Gorgonzola, Bel Paese, Mascarpone, Parmesan and tens of other sorts of Italian cheese made of cream or just having a pleasant texture.
If you are not sure about the sort to buy (especially when you need a definite cheese for your recipe) address a market operator who will willingly help you. If cheese is necessary for the dish you should really buy the sort mentioned in the culinary book with the purpose to avoid trouble and disappointment. The fact is that each Italian cheese is made with adding different bacteria and in accordance with different technologies, so the flavor may vary. And if the dish is expected to have a special taste only a definite cheese may provide it.
If you prefer hard cheeses with a firm structure the best are Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano and Fontina. Do not forget that hard cheeses are wonderful for grating, so if the recipe needs grated Italian cheese buy a firm one without hesitation. These sorts are also perfect with fruit. The best way you can use them is top salads, soups and pastas - all Italians do so. There are also cheeses made of milk (most cheeses) and whey (for example, Ricotta). Their flavor much differs and the texture is not the same. Cheeses made of milk usually become more granular in texture when aged.
But if you are looking for the most common, well-known and willingly-purchased cheese in Italy you should buy Provolone. The reason of its popularity is very simple: the cheese is, indeed, universal and may be used in cooking of various dishes. It has a lightly-sour flavor because of adding special acid. Citric acid Provolone is good both as an independent snack and an addition or ingredient to some dish. If you go to Italy on your vacations do not limit yourself to architecture, historical monuments and museums. You will all the same need some food to keep fit, so try to know the most you can about a delicious Italian cuisine, which annually attracts no less tourists than the Italian sights and points of interest.
How to Make Mozzarella (Engl)

Information about the Cheeses of Europe (Engl) (Link)

Parmigiano-Reggiano Flan (Engl)
This comforting Italian cheese flan makes a great appetizer or party food.
A delicious antipasto made with original italian Parmigiano-Reggiano.
A delicious antipasto made with original italian Parmigiano-Reggiano.
Italian recipes
Monday, June 25, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
MasterChef Australia - Hindu Wedding (Engl)
The contestants learn that they have to cater for a Sri Lankan wedding. The Bride and Groom have invited 450 guests to their traditional Hindu wedding featuring purely vegetarian food.
Food Info,
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Jamie's Fish Suppers - Jamie en el Mar (Engl) (Esp)
Jamie's Fish Suppers - Part 1/4 (Engl)
Jamie cooks to help save the sea.
Part 2/4
Part 3/4
Part 4/4
Jamie en el Mar (Esp)
Fish and Seafood,
Food Info,
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Cheese Slices (Engl) (Esp)
Cheese Slices - Corsica & Sardinia (Engl)
Twins of the Mediterranean - Corsica and Sardinia
Despite being close neighbours, these two large islands in the Mediterranean have distinctly different cheese traditions. While sampling Corsica's renowned Brocciu, a soft ewe's milk cheese, Will is introduced to a traditional cheese covered with maggots. After a short ferry ride and a drive into the beautiful mountains of Sardinia, he uncovers an ancient curd cheese matured in a goat's stomach before exploring authentic Pecorino Fiore Sardo, an exceptional cheese hand-made by shepherds then smoked over an open fire.
Quesos del Mundo Corcega y Cerdeña (Esp)
Gorgonzola and Cave Ripened Talleggio, Italy (Engl)
Twins of the Mediterranean - Corsica and Sardinia
Despite being close neighbours, these two large islands in the Mediterranean have distinctly different cheese traditions. While sampling Corsica's renowned Brocciu, a soft ewe's milk cheese, Will is introduced to a traditional cheese covered with maggots. After a short ferry ride and a drive into the beautiful mountains of Sardinia, he uncovers an ancient curd cheese matured in a goat's stomach before exploring authentic Pecorino Fiore Sardo, an exceptional cheese hand-made by shepherds then smoked over an open fire.
Quesos del Mundo Corcega y Cerdeña (Esp)
Gorgonzola and Cave Ripened Talleggio, Italy (Engl)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Cook it Raw - Japan (Engl)
Anthony Bourdain
(Illustration by Drew Friedman)
Tony Bourdain heads to Japan for the gastronomic event that is, "Cook it Raw," which brings together some of the best chefs in the world and throws them into an unfamiliar environment with unknown ingredients. Tony bears witness to it all.
There was foraging, fishing, hunting ducks with big nets and a whole bunch of world famous chefs tromping through the Japanese woods.
(Illustration by Drew Friedman)
Tony Bourdain heads to Japan for the gastronomic event that is, "Cook it Raw," which brings together some of the best chefs in the world and throws them into an unfamiliar environment with unknown ingredients. Tony bears witness to it all.
There was foraging, fishing, hunting ducks with big nets and a whole bunch of world famous chefs tromping through the Japanese woods.
Food Info,
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