Sunday, October 19, 2014

Damon Baehrel (Engl)

Damon Baehrel has created one of the most exclusive dinner reservations on the planet. His restaurant, Damon Baehrel, is named for its sole employee. Located beneath his home in Earlton, NY, Damon has hosted guests from over 50 countries in the last year alone. The $255-$275 per person base-priced meal gets you 16-20 courses that are conceived, farmed, cooked and served by Damon. Bloomberg's Rachel Crane goes below ground to taste the exclusive cuisine called Native Harvest.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Angel Hair Chicken Nugget Recipe (Engl)
Japanese Cucumber Leaf Decoration Sushi Garnish (Engl)
How to Cook Teff (Engl)
Easy step by step instructions for cooking whole grain Teff. Teff is a nutritious gluten-free grain that is packed with iron, fiber, protein and calcium.
Cómo hacer Atole de Pinole (Esp)
Todo sobre la Chía. Importante Antioxidante Vegetal (Esp)


100 Jahre Stuttgarter Markthalle - schönste Markthalle Deutschlands (DE)

Giant Food - Miniature People (Engl)
Bivongi - Calabria - Italy (Link)
Bivongi, a beautiful, undiscovered little medieval town in Calabria

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Sound of Taste (Engl)

An audio visual installation in association with Schwartz Flavour Shots, an innovative new range of herb and spice blends locked in oil. What does flavour look like? How does it sound? These are the questions that inspired herb and spice experts, Schwartz, to create what they describe as a 'Sonic Flavourscape'. Several tons of black peppercorns, cardamom, turmeric, paprika, cumin seeds, ginger, chilli and coriander were rigged to explode in perfect sync with a bespoke musical composition. Each explosion represents an individual piano note or chord, which when filmed at high speed, creates a surreal three dimensional sound scape.

Remy Cooks Ratatouille (Engl)