In this episode of "Jenna in the Jungle" we explore the jackfruit tree which we learn was the flavor inspiration for Juicy Fruit gum! Its fruit is the largest tree borne fruit in the world. The jackfruit tree is a fast-growing tree that yields approximately 100 fruits per year, with the average fruit weighing in at nearly 20 pounds each! Surprisingly, the interior contains a sticky, white latex.
In this second episode of the Hawaiian "Jenna in the Jungle" series, Manis demonstrates how to climb a coconut tree. Learn how to cut coconuts open to make fresh, rich coconut cream. Learn the benefits of coconuts and how to use them in the most sustainable way.
Chocolate Grows on Trees(Engl)
Chocolate Info from "Food Science" (Engl)
Sometimes called biriba, species of Rollinia are tropical trees that bear round, yellow fruit. They need a warm and humid climate to grow well. Not all fruits produced by this family are edible, but Rollinia deliciosa is. The flavor of the fruit is described as similar to that of apple custard or lemon meringue pie. Ripe fruit is very soft and easily bruised. The fruit cannot be stored for long periods of time. It is usually eaten fresh, but Brazilians use it to make wine.
Thimbleberries, Durian and Other Wild Foods in Hawaii (Engl)
A visually entertaining documentary that takes you on a gastronomic journey across centuries as you feast your eyes on a lavish Chinese banquet and explore the lives of those immersed in the art of Chinese cooking. ‘A Chinese Feast’ probes the Chinese psyche for food, going back in time thousands of years to track down ancient Chinese dietary habits and returning to modern day China to witness the ever growing Chinese appetite.
In Ulan Ude, Russia, author Michael Kohn spends a day tantalising his tastebuds by sampling traditional Russian food.
He visits the fresh market and samples Pine tree sap and all kinds of fruit and veggies from all over the world. At Midday, he treats himself with a typical Russian sweet snack. For dinner, he dines out at Traktyr with traditional Russian and Siberian dishes. And he can't finish the night without enjoying the local beer and vodka at one of the most popular spots in Ulan Ude.
Hungarian Food (Engl)
Mongolian Lamb (Engl)
Mongolian Food in the Gobi Desert (Engl)
Grilled Scallops on Silver Dollar Blini (Engl)
Russische Schaschlik (DE)
Russische Schaschlik sind etwas völlig anderes, als die gleichnamigen Spießchen aus dem deutschen Schnellimbiss. Russland.TV schildert die Zubereitung der schmackhaften Grillspieße in einem Bericht mitten aus dem Ural.
Soups of Russian cuisine By Victoria Trefilova, 9a form, St.Petersburg, Russia
Russian dinner can be hardly imagined without a plate of thick soup. In cold winter time it is hot, in summer-cold, but soup is inevitable. We call it « the first course” and eat all year round .
-it is made of meat broth, beets , onion, cabbage, tomato, carrot. You can also add some bacon or sausages.
Eat it with garlic bread and sour-cream
-it is made of fish like salmon or cod , root vegetables , parsley root, leek , potato , bay leaf, lime , dill , green parsley and spiced with black pepper, cinnamon and cloves. You can take it either hot or cold(depends on the season)
-it is made of potatoes , turnips , rutabagas, carrots, or fresh cucumber . This is one of the most peculia Russian soups as you add kvas in it.
Enjoy this cold soup on a hot summer day.
-it is made of cabbage (fresh or sour), meat or mushrooms , carrots or parsley roots , spicy herbs (onions, celery, dill, garlic, pepper, bay leaf). One of the most famous Russian soups and the most ancient. Our forefathers used to say “Shchi and porridge-that’s our meal”
Borscht (Engl)
Cold Borscht or Cold beet soup is a cold variety of borscht — beetroot soup traditional to some Eastern European and Slavic countries.
In Latvia it is called Aukstā zupa,in Lithuania Šaltibarščiai ,in Poland Chłodnik or Chłodnik litewski,In Belarusia
Хaлaднiк “khaladnik”,in Russia Свекольник “svekol’nik”, in Ukraine Холодник “kholodnyk”.
Borscht ( borsht, barszcz or borshch) is a soup that is popular in many Eastern and Central European countries. It is made with beetroot as a main ingredient, which gives it a strong red color. Other, non-beet varieties also exist, such as the tomato paste-based orange borscht and the green (zelioni) borscht (sorrel soup).
The soup is a staple part of the local culinary heritage of many Eastern and Central European nations.There are two main variants of borscht, the hot and cold. Both are based on beets, but are otherwise prepared and served differently.
(Cold pink Borscht in a glass)
Hot Borscht
Hot borscht (mostly Ukrainian and Russian), the kind most popular in the majority of cultures is a hearty soup with many common optional ingredients, depending on the cuisine, including various vegetables (beans, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, potatoes, onions, or tomatoes), mushrooms, and meats (chicken, pork, or beef). It is more similar to a stew than most soups, may be eaten as a meal in itself, usually with thick dark bread.
Borschtsch (DE)
Die Zubereitung des wohl bekanntesten Suppengerichts Osteuropas zum einfachen Nachkochen.
Manty - Hackfleischpasteten (DE)
Manty, gedämpfte, saftige Teigtaschen, sind dieses mal an der Reihe. Und die Zubereitung ist gar nicht schwer.
Chef Brendan McDermott shows Rebecca an easy, delicious, affordable recipe for homemade flatbreads.
Poppy Seed Dinner Rolls (Engl)
(Poppy Seeds)
How to Make No-Knead Ciabatta Bread (Engl)
Italian Cornbread - Pane di Granoturco (Engl)
How to Make Sesame Chapati Bread (Engl)
Homemade Corn Bread (Engl)
A delicious slice of homemade corn bread is a fantastic snack anytime of the day. Join us as we show you how easy it is to make it yourself.
Saffron Bread / Pain au Safranخبز بالزعفران (Engl (FR)
A better alternative than using saffron powder is to use real saffron, it does cost more, however it tastes a lot better. /
Une autre possilbilité que d'utiliser la poudre de safran c'est d'utiliser le safran réel, il coûte vraiment plus, cependant son goût est beaucoup mieux.
Vollkornbrot mit flüssigem Backferment (DE)
Flüssiges Backferment erfordert keinen Grundansatz, ist leicht säuerlich und bei empfindlichen Menschen, so heißt es, besser verträglich. Ergibt wirklich ein schönes Aroma und feine Krume.
So kaufen Sie richtig Brot ein (DE)
Dieser Mann hat Geschmack: Wenn es ums Essen geht, macht niemand stern-Foodredakteur Bert Gamerschlag etwas vor. Für die neue Videoreihe "Deutschland lernt einkaufen" hat er sich durch zahlreiche Supermärkte probiert. In dieser Folge dreht sich alles ums Brot - mit einem überraschenden Ergebnis.
Pita Bread (Engl)
Pita bread is similar to flat bread, and is said to have been around since antiquity. A staple in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine that has spread throughout the world, pita bread is unique due to the pocket left in the middle of the bread after cooking. Perfect for stuffing with sandwich ingredients, falafel, or dipping in hummus, this bread is great for a wide variety of dishes. The bread’s distinctive pocket is the result of steam that puffs up the dough during cooking.
In this segment from Organic Living TV we arrive on the north island of New Zealand to Rotorua and meet traditional Maori Chef Charles Royal! Charles takes us foraging for wild and indigenous ingredients. We end up back at Pounamu Lodge on Lake Tarewera to prepare a lovely wild Fern, Mushroom and Smoked Tomato Salad!
How to make Dill Pickles (Engl)
Warm Vietnamese Beef Salad (Engl)
President Obama's Tuna Salad (Engl)
(Obama family makes Tuna Salad)
Radicchio di Treviso rosso tardivo (Engl) (IT) (DE)
Radicchiosalat (DE)
Green Papaya Thai Salad (Engl)
Som Tam (Som Tum) Bla Rah (Bla La) Spicy Papaya Salad (Engl)
Cucumber & Daikon Radish Salad with Hijiki (Engl)
This tasty vegetable goes through a surprisingly complicated process before being served. Follow the trail of hearts of palm from a seedling to delectable side dish.
Fresh ginger is a delicious addition to many dishes. You can find fresh ginger root in the grocery store almost any time of year. It has a great fresh flavor that adds a bit of spice to many dishes.
Ginger has a thin skin that can be left on or peeled off. The fibrous ginger root needs to be chopped up so that the root doesnt get stringy in your dish.
There are many types of ginger available in the stores. Fresh, dried, pickled or crystallized ginger. Crystallized ginger is really candied a great flavor for tea or pastries.
Ginger paste is also available in the grocery stores. It is a convenient addition without all of the chopping.
Sunomono cucumber salad is a light and refreshing vinegared dish in Japanese cuisine. Master Chef Andy Matsuda will show us how to prepare the traditional form of this salad, using wakame seaweed and mirin sauce.
Pickled Rutabaga (Engl)
Rutabaga, turnips, parsnips and radishes are some of the best vegetables to get the fermenting/pickling treatment. Get yourself a nifty little star peeler, some mason jars and you're good to go. Check the jars after a few days, and you'll be amazed how delicious something so simple to prepare has become.
Preserved Lemons (Engl)
Preserving lemons is a new technique to us. We discovered that having preserved lemons on hand is great for adding a twist, so to speak, to any dish that needs a little citrus and salt.
Blanched Vegetables with Oyster Sauce Dressing (Engl)
Pickled red Radish (Engl)
Insalata di Castagne (IT)
Kartoffelsalat mit Pfifferlingen (DE)
.... schmeckt solo oder als Beilage... Kleiner Tipp: probieren Sie den Salat doch mal warm so wie er in Bayern gerne serviert wird.
Tsukemono - Pickle Side Dish (Engl)
Tsukemono refers to a broad category of pickles, many of which can be bought at an Asian market or made at home. Serve them in small portions (like those above) on the side of any meal, and try the parings I've suggested below. These are a few that I regularly buy. You can find them in the refrigerated section of most Asian markets that carry Japanese foods. In the picture, clockwise from top left:
1. Beni shoga (aka pickled ginger): This bright-red pickled ginger root is quite different from gari, the sweet, pale-pink slices of pickled ginger that accompany sushi. Colored with red perilla leaves (called shiso), beni shoga has a strong, salty, almost spicy flavor that adds a wonderful kick of flavor to dishes such as beef noodle bowls, stir fries, and yakisoba (stir-fried noodles). Ginger is widely purported to help quell nausea, so when I'm feeling under the weather, I often eat this type with ochazuke (o-CHA-zu-kay), which is simply green tea poured over rice (kind of like milk on cereal). Look for it in plastic tubs about the size of a tuna can.
2.Takuan (pickled daikon): Though the version above is dyed yellow, this pickle sometims looks paper-white or beige. Made from daikon, a mild white radish that can grow to the size of your forearm, it has many uses besides pickles: grated in dipping sauces, shredded into a mound of ribbons that go well with sashimi, and boiled in soups, to name a few. Takuan has a pleasant crunch and mild brininess, and it is eaten at the end of a meal, as it is believed to aid in digestion. You can buy it sliced, or as a whole radish immersed in a bag of brine.
3. Rakkyo (RAH-kyoh; aka pickled shallot): Similar in appearance to a cocktail onion, these crisp, mild, sweet-and-sour shallots, pickled in a light seasoned vinegar, are like candy to me. Often served with grilled fish or meats, they provide a crisp, bright note that's palate-cleansing between savory bites. Rakkyo is often labeled "pickled scallions" and sold in little plastic bags or small glass jars.
4. Umeboshi (ooh-meh-BOH-she; pickled Japanese plum): This is the quintessential Japanese pickle. One of my favorites, umeboshi is colored red with shiso and has a startling tartness that almost makes your eyes water (in a good way). It's an acquired taste for some. They are sometimes pale pink, and sometimes bright red, and they range from cranberry-sized, crunchy fruits to olive-sized fruits with a squishier texture. They are served with many meals, including breakfast, and are often placed in the center of onigiri (seasoned rice balls). Look for them in small plastic containers.
Asparagus, Blackberry & Orange Salad (Engl)
The salad should welcome you to the table. This amazing presentation does just that - and more. A fruity raspberry vinaigrette doesn't mask the unmistakable crunch of asparagus while a colorful array of vibrant fruit and the unexpected zing of red onions complete the package.
Beelitzer Spargel mit Zander (DE)
Im Restaurant "Zander" im Berliner Szenebezirk Prenzlauer Berg werden die Gäste mit raffinierten Spargelgerichten verwöhnt.
Spargel (DE) Link
Spargel ist ein echtes Saisongemüse - frisch gestochen und am selben Tag zubereitet schmeckt er einfach am Besten. Da die Saison nur kurz ist, sollte man jetzt zugreifen und genießen. Sternekoch Vincent Klink und Moderatorin Evelin König bereiten mit Spargel überbackene Scaloppine-Bruschetta und einen Spargel-Zitronen-Salat zu.
La Panzanella es una sabrosa ensalada, típica de la bonita región italiana de la Toscana. Se prepara con un pan compacto de miga seca llamado sciocco, pero podemos sustituirlo por otro pan rústico. Existen muchas versiones, siendo los ingredientes que no pueden faltar el pan, el tomate, la cebolla roja, la albahaca, aceite, vinagre, sal y pimienta.
Es una receta muy sana y riquísima. Espero que os guste!
Los ingredientes que necesitaremos son:
- 8 rebanadas de pan rústico
- 500 gr. de tomates cherry (u otro tomate, si se prefiere)
- 1 pepino (opcional)
- 1 cebolla roja
- 2 tallos de apio
- 100 gr. de aceitunas negras sin hueso
- 50 gr. de alcaparras
- albahaca fresca
- aceite de oliva, vinagre de vino tinto, sal y pimienta
Chili Peppers (Engl)
Choosing the right hot pepper when preparing a Tex-Mex or chili recipe can be confusing. This startcooking video can help you. Learn how to handle and pick the right jalapeno, chili, or poblano pepper so you can impress your guests with a perfect recipe.
Maui Farm to Table with Chef James McDonald (Hawaii) (Engl)
Maui Chef James McDonald demonstrates how the farm to table process makes Hawaii Regional Cuisine truly unique. Follow the path of Hawaii's freshest dishes from the rich volcanic soil of Upcountry Maui to the seaside restaurants of Lahaina.
Hawaii Regional Cuisine (Engl)
From fresh lava flowing into the sea to lush rainforests, witness the full spectrum of life in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Award winning chef Alan Wong explains what Hawaii Regional Cuisine is and prepares his own creative take on a traditional local dish.