The varieties of wheat, corn and rice we grow today may not thrive in a future threatened by climate change. Cary Fowler takes us inside a vast global seed bank, buried within a frozen mountain in Norway, that stores a diverse group of food-crop for whatever tomorrow may bring.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wild Edibles (Engl) (IT)
Dandelions (Engl) Tarassaco/Dente di Leone (IT)

Stalking Wild Greens: Dandelions (Engl)
Dandelions are rich in vitamins A,B,C,D, iron, calcium, beta carotene, magnesium, phosphorus,potassium, and zinc. Dandelions help anemia, arthritis, cysts, cancer, liver, pancreas, bladder, and kidney.
Flan di Tarassaco (IT)

Nell arte culinarie è un'apprezzata insalata primaverile depurativa, sia da solo che in mescolanze varie.
Anche i petali dei fiori possono contribuire a dare sapore e colore ad insalate miste. I boccioli sono apprezzabili se preparati sott'olio. I fiori si possono preparare in pastella e quindi fritti. Le tenere rosette basali si possono consumare con soddisfazione sia lessate e quindi condite con olio extravergine di oliva, sia saltate in padella con aglio.
Foraging for Wild Greens in Greece (Engl)
There are a wide variety of edible greens growing wild in Kythira (and most other places in Greece, and the world), many of them are in the wild dandelion or chicory family.
Wild Edibles (Engl)
It's an amazing thing to walk down the street and to pick up a weed or a flower and eat it. It's a skill that I know little about, but have been learning and enjoying. This episode explores some of the common edibles that you may see around town or in the woods. I also show how to cook some of the greens.
Note: Milkweed should not be eaten raw as it is poisonous when eaten in quantity. Also, the smaller the plant, the better and the stalks are the best part. If you read online about Milkweed, many say you should boil it three times. This is no longer considered to be true. If you find the milkweed to be bitter, don't eat it, what you are eating is a poisonous relative, you will get sick if you eat a lot.

Stalking Wild Greens: Dandelions (Engl)
Dandelions are rich in vitamins A,B,C,D, iron, calcium, beta carotene, magnesium, phosphorus,potassium, and zinc. Dandelions help anemia, arthritis, cysts, cancer, liver, pancreas, bladder, and kidney.
Flan di Tarassaco (IT)

Nell arte culinarie è un'apprezzata insalata primaverile depurativa, sia da solo che in mescolanze varie.
Anche i petali dei fiori possono contribuire a dare sapore e colore ad insalate miste. I boccioli sono apprezzabili se preparati sott'olio. I fiori si possono preparare in pastella e quindi fritti. Le tenere rosette basali si possono consumare con soddisfazione sia lessate e quindi condite con olio extravergine di oliva, sia saltate in padella con aglio.
Foraging for Wild Greens in Greece (Engl)
There are a wide variety of edible greens growing wild in Kythira (and most other places in Greece, and the world), many of them are in the wild dandelion or chicory family.
Wild Edibles (Engl)
It's an amazing thing to walk down the street and to pick up a weed or a flower and eat it. It's a skill that I know little about, but have been learning and enjoying. This episode explores some of the common edibles that you may see around town or in the woods. I also show how to cook some of the greens.
Note: Milkweed should not be eaten raw as it is poisonous when eaten in quantity. Also, the smaller the plant, the better and the stalks are the best part. If you read online about Milkweed, many say you should boil it three times. This is no longer considered to be true. If you find the milkweed to be bitter, don't eat it, what you are eating is a poisonous relative, you will get sick if you eat a lot.
No Reservations Cooking Techniques, (Engl)
No Reservations Cooking Techniques, 1 of 5
2 of 5
3 of 5
4 of 5
5 of 5
2 of 5
3 of 5
4 of 5
5 of 5
Food Info
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Michelle Obama on American Eating Habits (Engl)
The first lady on what it takes to battle obesity.
Food Info
Schweinekoteletts mit Senfkruste (DE)

Das Restaurant Merkelbach in der niederländischen Hauptstadt Amsterdam setzt auf regionale Produkte. Rezept für Schweinekoteletts mit Senfkruste an Pastinaken-Kartoffelpüre e mit Kerbelknollen,Winterposte lein und bunten Rüben.

Das Restaurant Merkelbach in der niederländischen Hauptstadt Amsterdam setzt auf regionale Produkte. Rezept für Schweinekoteletts mit Senfkruste an Pastinaken-Kartoffelpüre e mit Kerbelknollen,Winterposte lein und bunten Rüben.
German recipes
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The How-To of Buffalo Mozzarella (Engl)

Regarded for it's fine texture and quality, Buffalo milk produces one of the world's most sought after cheeses. Buffalo mozzarella.
Food Info
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Yam (Engl)

Purple Yam - Camote - Batata)
Yam is a 10cm to 70cm long tuberous rhizome, which could be anything from 5cm to 10 cm wide, with a brownish bark-like covering or skin, enveloping a white to yellow succulent pulp rich in complex starch with a uniquely satisfying taste and texture.
Yam is not the same as sweet potatoes or any form of potato. No. They are not related in any way! It is an underground tuber like potatoes, but much bigger and has an unbeatable excellent unique taste. You just have to try a dish of yam and you will see the difference.
It is found mainly in the countries of Nigeria accounting for 95%) of world production, Ghana, Cameroon, Togo, and Cote d'Ivoire.
Jamaican Yam and Banana (With Chicken) (Engl)
Revealing the nutritious values of boiled Yam and green Banana. Also, the easiest way to bake chicken.
Carribean recipes,
Seeds Nuts and Roots
Osterzopf (DE)

Allseits beliebt an Ostern der Hefezopf. Wer ein bisschen Pfiff in das Gebäck bringen möchte, sollte die einzigartige Füllung mit Aprikosen und Marzipan versuchen. So wird der Zopf zur osterlichen Attraktion einfach köstlich!
Monday, March 15, 2010
La Gallina Araucana (IT)

L’Araucana, gallina rara sudamericana che depone uova dal guscio medio azzurro-verde. Tuorlo grande e intensissimo , adatto a tutte le preparazioni, ma le sue caratteristiche sono esaltate da preparazioni in cui, per motivi estetici, viene conservato il guscio, per esempio l’uovo alla coque.
Il Presidio della gallina dalle uova azzurre

Nell’area di Temuco, capoluogo della IX regione cilena, caratterizzata dalla forte presenza di indigeni Mapuche, si vedono spesso, sui mercati contadini, uova dal guscio celeste o verdolino (in diverse gradazioni). E’ un gene a trasmettere quella particolare colorazione, il gene O (olive), che agendo su sfondo bianco del guscio dà colorazione azzurra, mentre su sfondo marrone dà il verde. E questo gene, un tempo, era legato a una razza particolare di polli, l’Araucana, il nome con cui gli Spagnoli battezzarono gli indios Mapuche.
Oggi l’Araucana si è talmente ibridata, che non è più possibile descriverne compiutamente i caratteri somatici. Ma le uova azzurre sono interessanti anche per un altro aspetto. A prescindere dai caratteri somatici degli animali, che sono ormai molto differenti, esiste un elemento che accomuna tutte le galline capaci di deporre uova colorate: l’insofferenza all’allevamento intensivo. Si tratta infatti di animali rustici che devono essere allevati all’aria aperta. E questo aspetto, di fatto, trasforma il colore azzurro (e verdolino) in un infallibile marchio di qualità.
Il Presidio, nato in collaborazione con l’Ong locale CET SUR, che ha sede a Temuco e che da molti anni lavora per il sostegno e la valorizzazione delle tradizioni Mapuche, cercherà di valorizzare le uova azzurre o verdi come prodotti naturali e salubri. Nello stesso tempo appoggerà tutte le ricerche per la selezione della razza storica Araucana.
Food Info
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Carrots (Engl) Carote (IT)

Purple Carrots: a nutritional Powerhouse? (Engl)

Romans used white and purple carrots. By the 14th century in Europe, a variety of colored carrots were being grown including purple, red, yellow, and white, but not orange. Orange carrots didn't exist until the 16th century, where patriotic Dutch people bred them in honor of the royal House of Orange. Since the 1990s, because of the hype surrounding antioxidant properties of anthocyanins in purple carrots, they are being grown on a more industrial scale.
Other Varieties

La Carota Bianca (IT) (Link)
Il nome scientifico, Pastinaca sativa, sottolinea che si tratta di una varietà ‘da semina’, selezionata da un’antenata spontanea, diffusa nei prati e negli incolti di tutta Italia, dalla pianura ai 1500 metri di quota: una pianta erbacea, con steli cavi, profondamente solcati, e fogliame simile a quello del sedano, sul quale spiccano le infiorescenze a ombrello, di colore giallo. Caratteristica è la radice, un fittone di colore biancastro, che nelle varietà coltivate assume dimensioni notevoli e, una volta lessato, trova il suo più consueto utilizzo nella preparazione di minestre e zuppe.
Seeds Nuts and Roots
Veal Pancetta (Engl)
Chef Job Carder shows how to make veal pancetta.
Chef Job Carder of Dish Bistro and Bar in Pasadena shows how to make veal pancetta. It's traditionally made with pork but Carder likes to find alternative ways to make cured meats and charcuterie using products like veal, lamb or duck.
Chef Job Carder of Dish Bistro and Bar in Pasadena shows how to make veal pancetta. It's traditionally made with pork but Carder likes to find alternative ways to make cured meats and charcuterie using products like veal, lamb or duck.
American recipes
Tipos de Tomate - Pomodori - Slideshow (Esp) (IT)

Pomodoro di Pachino (IT)
ORIGINE: Sicilia
ZONA PRODUZIONE: il comprensorio del comune di Pachino, in provincia di Siracusa.
Va chiarito che Pachino non è il nome di una varietà di pomodoro, ma di una città in provincia di Siracusa all’interno della zona di produzione dell’IGP Pomodoro di Pachino. Esistono molte varietà del pomodoro qui coltivato: quello tondo liscio, di modeste dimensioni, colore verde e sapore intenso; quello costoluto, di grandi dimensioni e di colore verde scuro brillante; il ciliegino, la tipologia più conosciuta, a grappoli di dimensioni medio-piccole e forma sferica; quello a grappolo, verde o rosso, rotondo e liscio. Il pomodoro di Pachino è caratterizzato da profumo intensamente vegetale, polpa consistente e saporita.

Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Vadouvan (IT) (Engl)
Miscela di Spezie dall' India.
Gli ingredienti sono: Cipolle fritte, Scalogno, Aglio, Olio, Fienogreco in Semi, foglie di Curry fresche, Cumino macinato, Cardamomo Macinato, Curcuma, Semi di Mostarda, Noce Moscata, Pepe.
Questa miscela assai pregiata viene impiegata nella preparazione di zuppe, carni, e per insaporire verdure in padella.

Vadouvan (Indian Spice Blend) (Engl)

2 lb onions, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 lb shallots, halved
12 garlic cloves, peeled
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 tablespoon thinly sliced fresh curry leaves (optional)
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
3/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon hot red-pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
Equipment:an electric coffee/spice grinder or a mortar and pestle
•Preheat oven to 350ºF with rack in middle.
•Pulse onions in 3 batches in a food processor until very coarsely chopped (there may be a few large pieces remaining), transferring to a bowl. Repeat with shallots, then garlic.
•Heat oil in a deep 12-inch heavy nonstick skillet over high heat until it shimmers, then sauté onions, shallots, and garlic (stir often) until golden and browned in spots, 25 to 30 minutes.
•Grind fenugreek seeds in grinder or with mortar and pestle. Add to onion mixture along with remaining ingredients, 1 Tbsp salt, and 1 tsp pepper and stir until combined.
•Transfer to a parchment-paper-lined large 4-sided sheet pan and spread as thinly and evenly as possible. Bake, stirring occasionally with a skewer to separate onions, until well browned and barely moist, 1 to 1 1/4 hours.
Cooks’ notes:
Vadouvan keeps in the refrigerator 1 month (cool before covering) or in the freezer 6 months.
Gli ingredienti sono: Cipolle fritte, Scalogno, Aglio, Olio, Fienogreco in Semi, foglie di Curry fresche, Cumino macinato, Cardamomo Macinato, Curcuma, Semi di Mostarda, Noce Moscata, Pepe.
Questa miscela assai pregiata viene impiegata nella preparazione di zuppe, carni, e per insaporire verdure in padella.

Vadouvan (Indian Spice Blend) (Engl)

2 lb onions, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 lb shallots, halved
12 garlic cloves, peeled
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 tablespoon thinly sliced fresh curry leaves (optional)
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
3/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon hot red-pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
Equipment:an electric coffee/spice grinder or a mortar and pestle
•Preheat oven to 350ºF with rack in middle.
•Pulse onions in 3 batches in a food processor until very coarsely chopped (there may be a few large pieces remaining), transferring to a bowl. Repeat with shallots, then garlic.
•Heat oil in a deep 12-inch heavy nonstick skillet over high heat until it shimmers, then sauté onions, shallots, and garlic (stir often) until golden and browned in spots, 25 to 30 minutes.
•Grind fenugreek seeds in grinder or with mortar and pestle. Add to onion mixture along with remaining ingredients, 1 Tbsp salt, and 1 tsp pepper and stir until combined.
•Transfer to a parchment-paper-lined large 4-sided sheet pan and spread as thinly and evenly as possible. Bake, stirring occasionally with a skewer to separate onions, until well browned and barely moist, 1 to 1 1/4 hours.
Cooks’ notes:
Vadouvan keeps in the refrigerator 1 month (cool before covering) or in the freezer 6 months.
Spices and Herbs
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Convierte la Cocina en Espectáculo (Esp)
El mundialmente conocido Juan Mari Arzak, Fernando Canales del Etxanobe, José Antonio Merino del Marmitaco, Iñaki Rodaballo del Mesón Pirineo o Darren Williamson del Bitoque van a dejar a los espectadores con la boca abierta cuando presenten en el programa de este jueves algunos de los platos más espectaculares de sus cocinas, auténticas obras de arte que se comen y se degustan con los cinco sentidos.
Top Chefs
En los Fogones del Mugaritz (Esp)
(Solomillo de pato reposado entre complementos iodados, virutas y lascas de trufa)
Mugaritz es el cuarto mejor restaurante del mundo (de acuerdo con el ránking de la revista británica Restaurant).
Mugaritz es el cuarto mejor restaurante del mundo (de acuerdo con el ránking de la revista británica Restaurant).
Restaurant Reviews
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Chef Wolfgang Puck's Red Carpet Recipes (Engl)
The celebrity chef to cook for guests at the Governors Ball in Hollywood.
A Feast Fit for the Oscars (Engl)
Wolfgang Puck describes his Oscar dinner menu.
A Feast Fit for the Oscars (Engl)
Wolfgang Puck describes his Oscar dinner menu.
Top Chefs
Thursday, March 4, 2010
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