Jamón Iberico (Esp)
Vídeo resumen del proceso de fabricación del jamón ibérico «Dehesa de Extremadura», desde la cría del cerdo hasta la curación.
Cómo cortar Jamón serrano (Esp)
Iberischer Schinken (DE)
Neben dem bekannten Serrano-Schinken ist der Ibérico-Schinken der edelste. Während Serrano-Schinken von weißen Schweinen stammt, die intensiv gemästet werden, kommt der Jamón Ibérico von halbwilden Ibérico-Schweinen. Die iberischen Schweine sind eine in Südwestspanien (bes. Andalusien, Extremadura) heimische, halbwilde Schweinerasse. Die Ibérico-Schweine sind meistens schwarz und haben in der Regel eine schwarze Klaue, die stets am Schinken bleibt und - im Gegensatz zu den meisten Schinken der weißen Schweine - nicht entfernt wird. Umgangssprachlich wird der Schinken daher gelegentlich auch als Pata Negra (schwarze Klaue) bezeichnet. Er zählt wegen seines außergewöhnlich aromatischen Geschmacks zu den begehrtesten Schinkenspezialitäten. Das iberische Schwein wird im Freien gezüchtet und von natürlichen Produkten ernährt, mittlerweile gehört es der letzten Schweinerasse Europas mit Weide- und Auslaufhaltung an. In der Phase der Endmast lebt das iberische Schwein in spanischen Höhenregionen (montanera) unter freiem Himmel und ernährt sich ausschließlich und alleine von Eicheln (bellotas).
Dieser speziellen Ernährung der Schweine mit Eicheln, die reichhaltig an Fetten und Kohlenhydraten sind, verdankt der Schinken nicht nur sein unverwechselbar zartes Aroma, sondern auch seinen Namen: jamón de bellota. Da die Schweine während der Eichelsuche in der montanera in ständiger Bewegung sind, wird ihr Fleisch besonders saftig und aromatisch. Dank der Eichelmast weist der Bellota-Schinken feine Fettäderchen auf, die ihm eine attraktive Marmorierung verleihen und für den unverwechselbar zarten Geschmack des Schinkens sorgen.
Der im iberischen Schinken enthaltene Fettanteil weist übrigens, ähnlich dem Olivenöl, einen hohen Prozentsatz ungesättigter Fettsäuren auf und eignet sich daher insbesondere für eine cholesterinbewusste Ernährung.
Es existieren die Qualitätsstufen Bellota, Recebo und Pienso:
Jamón Ibérico de Bellota (auch Montanera): Schinken von Schweinen die mindestens 75 % der Iberico-Rasse entstammen und mindestens 40 % ihres Lebendgewichts freilaufend und nur durch Früchte der Steineiche (bellota heißt „Eichel“) und Kräuter zugelegt haben.
Jamón Ibérico de Recebo: Schinken von iberischen Schweinen, die während der Endmast (recebo) zusätzlich mit Eicheln gefüttert wurden (max. 30 %).
Jamón Ibérico de Pienso (auch de Cebo oder de Campo): Schinken von iberischen Schweinen, die mit Getreide gemästet wurden (pienso bedeutet „Getreidefutter“, cebo „Mast“ und de campo heißt einfach „vom Lande“).
Jamón Ibérico ist nicht identisch mit dem qualitativ nicht ganz so hochwertigen und in der Regel von normalen hellhäutigen Hausschweinen stammenden spanischen Serrano-Schinken.
Prosciutto crudo di San Daniele (IT)
Prosciutto di Parma (IT)
Scopri le origini e i segreti della preparazione del prosciutto più dolce d'Italia, in questo video del Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma.
Parma Ham Consortium - Aria di Parma (Engl)
Discover the origins and the secrets of the sweetest ham of Italy, inside this video from Parma Ham Consortium.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Semifreddo al Torrone (Engl)
Serve 4:
4 eggs, 400ml of cream, 100g sugar, 150g torrone, salt, 1 teaspoon of coffee powder
Chocolate Sauce:
Heat dark chocolate with milk in bain-marie, until completely melted. Sprinkle with orange powder and fresh strawberries.
Charlotte al Torrone (IT)
La charlotte al torrone è un dolce semifreddo ripieno di crema al torrone e salsa al cioccolato interamente rivestito da savoiardi.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Seitán (Esp) (IT) (Engl) (DE)
Como hacer Seitán (Esp) (Link)
El Seitan es la proteína vegetal o gluten del trigo, que se obtiene por procedimientos naturales. Además está elaborado con salsa de soja, algas kombu, y gengibre.
Come si fa il Seitan (IT) (Link)
Seitan - Selbst gemacht, aus Weizenmehl (DE)(Engl)
Seitan ist das "Basic" in vielen veganen Ernährungsformen, probierts aus! :)
Zusatzinformation: Gegebenfalls etwas Wasser oder Mehl dazugeben, so dass es einer fester aber geschmeidiger Teig wird.
El Seitan es la proteína vegetal o gluten del trigo, que se obtiene por procedimientos naturales. Además está elaborado con salsa de soja, algas kombu, y gengibre.
Come si fa il Seitan (IT) (Link)
Seitan - Selbst gemacht, aus Weizenmehl (DE)(Engl)
Seitan ist das "Basic" in vielen veganen Ernährungsformen, probierts aus! :)
Zusatzinformation: Gegebenfalls etwas Wasser oder Mehl dazugeben, so dass es einer fester aber geschmeidiger Teig wird.
La Mostarda (IT) Mustard Fruits (Engl)
La Cucina Italiana - La mostarda
Mustard Fruits (Engl)
■2 kg small, firm pears or variety of fruit, peeled and cut in half lengthways, stalks and seeds left intact
■400 g sugar
■Some edible mustard essential oil – you should be able to find it in delis or specialist stores.
■To make the mustard fruits, put the pears in a large bowl, add the sugar and stir to mix – cover and leave at room temperature for 12 hours.
■The pears will have begun to release their juices, drain all this juice into a pot and bring to the boil, simmer for about 5 minutes, cover the pears with this syrup and leave for another 12 hours.
■Repeat this process another 3 times and then drain the syrup into a pot and bring it to the boil to reduce by a third.
■Add the pears to the pot now and caramelise them for 20 minutes – allow them to cool.
■Add 10 drops of mustard essential oil to the pears, stir to combine and then seal in glass jars and allow to mature for 2-3 weeks before using.
Scegliere il Pesce per la Cena di Natale e di Capodanno (IT)
Veloce e seria guida per scegliere il pesce per la cena di natale e di capodanno. State sempre attenti alle truffe e alle sofisticazioni alimentari, oltre che alle truffe tipo quando ci vendono l'anguilla per capitone. State attenti e se possibile acquistate da persone di fiducia o presso i grandi centri commerciali che garantiscono la qualità e la tracciabilità dei prodotti.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Gelo di Cocomero - Anguria (IT)
Pelate i pistacchi dopo averli scottati per qualche minuto in acqua bollente. Private la polpa di cocomero dei semi e passatela dal passaverdure montato con il disco più fine lasciandola cadere in una piccola casseruola. Mettete in una tazza un mestolo del succo ottenuto e scioglietevi perfectamente l'amido facendo attenzione a non formare grumi quinde versatelo nella casseruola insieme allo zucchero e al bastoncino di cannella. Amalgamate perfectamente e mettete la casseruola sul fuoco e, senza mai smettere di mescolare, fate alzare il bollote. Proseguite la cottura, a fuoco dolce, per quattro o cinque minuti sempre continuando a mescolare. Ritirate la casseruola e, appena il composto sarà quasi freddo e comincerà ad addensarsi, unitevi il cioccolato, la zuccata e i pistacchi quinde versatelo in uno stampo da budino (o in piccoli stampini da porzione) bagnato d'acqua. Sigillate lo stampo con la pellicola e mettetelo in frigorifero per qualche ora o anche per tutta la notte. Al momento di servire il gelo, sformatelo in un piatto e spolveratelo di cannella in polvere.
A Palermo, dove questo dolce si prepara tradicionalmente il giorno di ferragosto, si è soliti decorare il piatto con foglie di limone e fiori di gelsomino e il gelsomino viene a volte usato anche per aromatizzare il composto.
Ingredienti (per 4 persone): un kg di polpa di cocomero ben maturo; 200 g di zucchero; 80 g di amido per dolci; 50 g di zuccata (zucca candita) tagliata a dadini; 50 g di cioccolato fondente tagliato a pezzettini; 30 g di pistacchi sgusciati; un pezzetto di cannella; cannella in polvere.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Salt - Salz - Sale (Engl) (DE) (IT)
(Chocolate Fleur de Sel)
Smoky spiced Salt with Orange (Engl)
1/4 cup kosher salt
1 tablespoon smoked paprika or pimentón de la Vera
1 1/2 teaspoons onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
2 teaspoons freshly grated orange zest
Pulse together the salt, smoked paprika, onion and garlic powders, cumin, black pepper, brown sugar and orange zest in a spice grinder or mash them in a mortar and pestle. Makes a little more than 1/2 cup. The mixture can be stored in a tightly sealed jar for up to 2 weeks.
Rote Beete Salz (DE)
Gourmet Salt (Engl)
Cooking With Fleur De Sel (Engl)
Chef Dominique Macquet of Sun-Rich International and Dominique’s Restaurant in the Maison Dupuy Hotel in New Orleans shows us how to enhanced the flavor of cooked meats with fleur de sel, the fine flaky salt crystals harvested from the sea.
Creative use of Salts (Engl)
Il Sale e i suoi significati (IT)
A Word About Salt (Engl)
Not your average table salt, but mineral-rich salt of many colors. And learn how to make your own salt mixes for fresh summer veggies!
(Chocolate Fleur de Sel)
Smoky spiced Salt with Orange (Engl)
1/4 cup kosher salt
1 tablespoon smoked paprika or pimentón de la Vera
1 1/2 teaspoons onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
2 teaspoons freshly grated orange zest
Pulse together the salt, smoked paprika, onion and garlic powders, cumin, black pepper, brown sugar and orange zest in a spice grinder or mash them in a mortar and pestle. Makes a little more than 1/2 cup. The mixture can be stored in a tightly sealed jar for up to 2 weeks.
Rote Beete Salz (DE)
Gourmet Salt (Engl)
Cooking With Fleur De Sel (Engl)
Chef Dominique Macquet of Sun-Rich International and Dominique’s Restaurant in the Maison Dupuy Hotel in New Orleans shows us how to enhanced the flavor of cooked meats with fleur de sel, the fine flaky salt crystals harvested from the sea.
Creative use of Salts (Engl)
Il Sale e i suoi significati (IT)
A Word About Salt (Engl)
Not your average table salt, but mineral-rich salt of many colors. And learn how to make your own salt mixes for fresh summer veggies!
Food Info
New York City – 10 Things You Need To Know (Engl)
Description: Ways to save money in New York City, its top attractions and much more with Hostelworld.com’s Colm Hanratty.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Chinese Food and Ingredients (Engl)
Some basic Ingredients for Chinese Food (Engl)
Chinese Food Elements - fon and choy plus yin and yang (Engl)
Important key elements in cooking Chinese food - fon and choy. Get the right balance of Yin and Yang.
A visual Guide to some of Chinatown’s more-intriguing Ingredients. (Engl)
Peel and slice into thin rounds. Blanch or steam briefly to soften, then add to stir-fries or thick, sweet sauces.
Has the texture of radish when raw; when cooked, it’s like a delicate, meaty artichoke. Peel off the outer leaves and cut into half-moons. Boil or braise until tender. Use in stir-fries or serve as a side dish.
Believed to benefit blood circulation. Soaked overnight, it will quadruple in size and take on the taste and texture of a mushroom. Best in chicken or oxtail soup.
A chalky nugget shaped like a tiny bird skull, Angelica sinensis root is part of a common Chinese prescription for post-menstrual recovery. Steep the bittersweet herb for fifteen minutes in boiling water. Slice and add to chicken or oxtail soup.
Ginseng is said to be an immune-system booster and restorative. Steep four or five pieces in a cup of boiling water.
Also known as Dendrobium stems, they’re supposed to improve vision and digestion. Boil, strain, and drink the medicinal-tasting tea.
They’re delicious raw, in salad, or diced in stir-fries.
A.k.a. gas bladder. Hard as fiberglass, but a five-minute boil turns it into a thick, non-fishy “steak” with a gummy texture. Chop and add to egg-drop soup.
There’s no need to reconstitute these; just toss them into an omelette for a delicate, surprising depth of flavor.
Rinse well to remove the salt and add a small amount to a soup or stew; after cooking, the texture becomes chewy.
Seed and slice as you would a cucumber, then drop in soups, stews, or garlicky stir-fries for a cooling, bitter kick.
Soak overnight, mince, and add sparingly to sautéed bok choy or plain pasta.
What Is That For?
Chinese recipes
Ente mit Rotkraut und Klößen (DE)
Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und es stellt sich die Frage: Wer bereitet das Essen zu? Geflügel wie Ente oder Gans kommt häufig auf den Tisch. Dass die Zubereitung gar nicht so schwer ist, haben wir gelernt. Karsten Grund, Chefkoch im Resort Schwielowsee vor der Toren Berlins, hat Vitafil Hobbyköchin Katharina genau erklärt, wie man das Traditionsgericht Ente mit Rotkraut und Klößen zubereitet.
Teil 1
Teil 2
Teil 3
Teil 1
Teil 2
Teil 3
German recipes
Roulade mit einer Lachs – Krabbenfüllung (DE)
In seinem Traditionsrestaurant Kolles Alter Muschelsaal in Büsum kocht Karl-Heinz Kolle Spezialitäten mit Krabben.REZEPT Roulade vom Dithmarscher Kohl mit einer Lachs – Krabbenfüllung auf Dillschaum mit Salzkartoffeln.
German recipes
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Bread-crumbed Pork Belly with black Pudding (Engl)
A Taste of Wales
In this short step-by-step demonstration Stephen will show you just how easy it is to create a beautiful and delicious dish using only the very best Welsh produce.
In this short step-by-step demonstration Stephen will show you just how easy it is to create a beautiful and delicious dish using only the very best Welsh produce.
North European recipes
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Japanese Saikyo Yaki with Sea Perch (Engl) (Link)
(Sea Perch)
Hundreds of years old, this versatile marinade can be used for fish, poultry or beef.
4 fillets sea perch
1 cup saikyo miso
1 tbsp cooking sake
2 tbsp mirin
1 tbsp ginger, grated
½ clove garlic, grated
2 tbsp grapeseed oil
Combine miso with sake and mirin.
Add ginger, garlic and drizzle in grapeseed oil.
Spoon a small amount of marinade into base of dish and spread.
Place 1 piece of fish in, flesh side down and cover with more marinade. Repeat with remaining fish.
Cover and refrigerate overnight.
Scrape off excess marinade and grill skin side up until brown.
Serve with pickled ginger.
Hundreds of years old, this versatile marinade can be used for fish, poultry or beef.
4 fillets sea perch
1 cup saikyo miso
1 tbsp cooking sake
2 tbsp mirin
1 tbsp ginger, grated
½ clove garlic, grated
2 tbsp grapeseed oil
Combine miso with sake and mirin.
Add ginger, garlic and drizzle in grapeseed oil.
Spoon a small amount of marinade into base of dish and spread.
Place 1 piece of fish in, flesh side down and cover with more marinade. Repeat with remaining fish.
Cover and refrigerate overnight.
Scrape off excess marinade and grill skin side up until brown.
Serve with pickled ginger.
Fish and Seafood
Milan (Engl)
(Milan Cathedral)
Milan is a highly-developed Italian metropolis. It is home to around 1.3 million people and is situated on the Plains of Lombardy. The city was founded by Celtic tribes who settled there in the 7th century BC. Today Milan is well known for its taste and leadership in fashion and design. Another joy for the Milanese is shopping and eating. This video guide provides an insight into the following city places: Milano Cathedral, Castello Sforzesco, Piazza Castello, La Scala museum, Corso Como, and Bergamo town. In this video guide you will also discover the best places for shopping, eating and partying in Milan.
Milan is a highly-developed Italian metropolis. It is home to around 1.3 million people and is situated on the Plains of Lombardy. The city was founded by Celtic tribes who settled there in the 7th century BC. Today Milan is well known for its taste and leadership in fashion and design. Another joy for the Milanese is shopping and eating. This video guide provides an insight into the following city places: Milano Cathedral, Castello Sforzesco, Piazza Castello, La Scala museum, Corso Como, and Bergamo town. In this video guide you will also discover the best places for shopping, eating and partying in Milan.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Gebratener Seeteufel mit Ingwer (DE)
Kochen mit Ingwer ist im Trend. Der leicht scharfe und würzige Ingwergeschmack verleiht nicht nur asiatischen, sondern je länger je mehr auch europäischen Gerichten ein unverwechselbares Aroma.
Gebratener Seeteufel: Fisch mit Thymian in Olivenöl glasig braten.
Salzen. Beim Servieren mit Kürbiskernöl beträufeln.
Marinierte Ingwer-Gurken-Streifen: Ingwer schneiden.
Ingwer, Essigcreme und Zucker in Pfanne geben, in der Bouillon aufkochen.
Lauwarm über die Gurken giessen. 1 Tag marinieren.
Gurken und Ingwer aus Marinade entfernen.
Marinade zur Hälfte einreduzieren, auskühlen.
Jogurt beifügen, aufmixen.
Zum Anrichten Sauce über Gurken giessen.
Roter Absinth-Gelee: Alle Zutaten aufkochen.
Backblech mit Klarsichtfolie auslegen.
Lauwarme Flüssigkeit auf Blech giessen.
Kühl stellen.
In Streifen schneiden.
Kurz mit Dampf erwärmen.
Weitere gluschtige
Rezepte unter
www.coop.ch/rezepte *
www.coop.ch/finefood *
Für weitere Informationen
zu Coop Fine Food
Gebratener Seeteufel
4 Seeteufel-Medaillons
1 Zweig Thymian
Coop Fine Food Olio extra vergine di oliva*
Coop Fine Food Blue Persian Salt*
Coop Fine Food Kürbiskernöl*
Marinierte Ingwer-Gurken-Streifen
40 g Ingwer, geschnitten
0,5 dl Coop Fine Food Crema di Balsamico
bianco al limone*
100 g Zucker
1 dl Coop Fine Food Gemüsebouillon*
1 Salatgurke, in lange Streifen gehobelt
50 g griechisches Vollrahmjogurt
Roter Absinth-Gelee
1 dl Wasser
1 dl Champagner
0,5 dl Cranberrysaft
0,4 dl Absinth
Coop Fine Food Blue Persian Salt*
2,4 g Agar-Agar
Gebratener Seeteufel: Fisch mit Thymian in Olivenöl glasig braten.
Salzen. Beim Servieren mit Kürbiskernöl beträufeln.
Marinierte Ingwer-Gurken-Streifen: Ingwer schneiden.
Ingwer, Essigcreme und Zucker in Pfanne geben, in der Bouillon aufkochen.
Lauwarm über die Gurken giessen. 1 Tag marinieren.
Gurken und Ingwer aus Marinade entfernen.
Marinade zur Hälfte einreduzieren, auskühlen.
Jogurt beifügen, aufmixen.
Zum Anrichten Sauce über Gurken giessen.
Roter Absinth-Gelee: Alle Zutaten aufkochen.
Backblech mit Klarsichtfolie auslegen.
Lauwarme Flüssigkeit auf Blech giessen.
Kühl stellen.
In Streifen schneiden.
Kurz mit Dampf erwärmen.
Fish and Seafood
Monday, December 7, 2009
Chocolate, la dulce Adicción (Esp)
Bienvenido a los usos actuales del chocolate: chocólicos, chocolaterapia, o el chocolate como escultura pastelera. El Dr. Antoni Bulbena nos explica algunos detalles acerca de la adicción al chocolate y su valor terapéutico.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Croccante di Crostacei con Insalata al Sesamo (IT)
Croccante di Crostacei con Insalata al Sesamo (IT)
Fish and Seafood
Five different Tofu recipes (Engl)
Paula Eakins, the "Tofu Lady" gives great tips on cooking with tofu as well as five fabulous recipes. Follow along with this cooking how-to video series as she demonstrates five tasty tofu recipes. Watch and learn to make tofu kabobs, tofu spinach lasagna, tofu strawberry smoothie, and a no bake tofu lemon cheesecake. Any of these five tofu recipes are sure to satisfy your tastebuds.
Chinese recipes
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Descubre El Arte Culinario Del Perù (Esp) (Engl)
En el Hotel Hilton de Nagoya se celebro el Festival de Gastronomia Peruana con la participaciòn de dos Chefs Peruanos Ivan Kisic y Francisco Lozano.
Parte 1
Parte 2
Parte 3
Parte 1
Parte 2
Parte 3
Merluzzo - Stoccafisso - Baccalà (IT)
La varietà migliore del merluzzo è quella che i norvegesi chiamano skrei, dalla carne molto bianca e delicata, che arriva alla fine di ogni anno dal Mare di Barents nelle acque pulitissime delle Isole Lofoten.
L'Italia è il 9° mercato per la Norvegia per i prodotti ittici e primo per lo stoccafisso: quasi 3.300 tonnellate, piú o meno il 60% della produzione totale e il 93% delle Lofoten, piú circa 9.200 tonnellate di baccalà.
Quando nel 1432 il nobile commerciante veneziano Pietro Querini naufragò sulle coste delle Isole Lofoten non aveva idea che stava per fare una fondamentale scoperta gastronomica. Lo stoccafisso fu infatti una vera rivelazione che Querini e i suoi uomini si portarono in Italia, lasciando in cambio alle Lofoten un buon ricordo degli italiani e dei figli, a suggello della nuova alleanza. La prima vera importazione di stoccafisso in Italia risale al 1500.
I merluzzi appena pescati vengono lavorati immediatamente, cioè decapitati, eviscerati, lavati e passati in una leggera salamoia. A questo punto sono pronti per essere trasformati con elementi rigorosamente naturali come aria pulita e sale marino.
Il baccalà è il merluzzo salato ed essiccato, mentre lo stoccafisso è merluzzo essiccato, ma senza sale".Tuttavia, entrambi utilizzano gli stessi fondamentali metodi di essiccazione che si seguirono in passato da quando i norvegesi iniziarono questa pratica in epoche lontanissime. In effetti, l’essiccazione, il metodo più antico per conservare il pesce, risale a più di mille anni fa in Norvegia.
Prima della cottura stoccafisso e baccalà hanno bisogno di un trattamento in acqua, il primo per reidratarsi e il secondo per dissalarsi.
L'ammollo è una fase delicata e importante che va curata con grande attenzione perché il pesce risulti morbido e saporito una volta cotto. Occorre acqua abbondante e fredda, magari con qualche cubetto di ghiaccio perché il pesce si mantenga sodo.
Lo stomaco, ben cucinato perché non diventi nero, è una sconosciuta specialità della cucina calabrese e siciliana.
Stoccafisso dorato (IT)
• 800g di stoccafisso già ammollato• 500g di pomodori ciliegia• 1 manciata di capperi sotto sale• 150g di olive nere• basilico• olio extra vergine di oliva• farina• sale e pepe .
Tagliare lo stoccafisso a tocchetti, infarinarlo e friggerlo nell’olio.
In una casseruola porre l’aglio, qualche cucchiaio di olio, i capperi, le olive e i pomodori tagliati a metà.
Far cuocere per 5 o 6 minuti e regolare di sale e pepe. Aggiungere il basilico e servire con insalata verde.
Insalatina di Baccalà (IT)
Angelo Piras, chef del Ristorante San Domenico di Chieri (To) prepara alcuni piatti molto sfiziosi e veloci che vi entusiasmeranno!
Pasticcio di Stoccafisso (IT)
Un piatto tradizionale con un tocco d'innovazione può prendere una nuova forma e stupire parenti ed amici. E' il caso della ricetta di stoccafisso con patate, pomodori e radicchio preparata da Simone Rugiati.
Pasta con Stoccafisso di Norvegia (IT)
(Ingredienti per 4 persone)
•400 g di Stoccafisso di Norvegia già ammollato
•400 g di pennette
•2 pomodori
•una manciata di olive taggiasche e capperi
•un mazzetto di basilico e di prezzemolo
•1 spicchio d'aglio
•1 scalogno
•sale, pepe e olio extravergine d'oliva q.b.
•1 bustina di zafferano
Fish and Seafood
How To Make A Gingerbread House (Engl)
The iconic gingerbread house, a bit of confectionery magic, can be a fun activity for the whole family. Todd Naster, from the Culinary Institute of America shows Harry Smith and Julie Chen how.
Some notes about making the house:
Working quickly is very important as Royal Icing dries very fast once it has been piped. In order to keep it from hardening while you are working with it, store the icing in a sealed container with a damp paper towel directly on its surface.
If you don't have a pastry bag available, simply use a heavy duty resealable plastic bag with one small corner cut off for the piping tip, to decorate your house.
Be sure to let your assembled gingerbread house dry for at least one hour before adding the candy decorations. This way, you can ensure that the weight of the candies will not collapse your structure before the Royal Icing has set.
If the Royal Icing seems too thick, it can be thinned with a tablespoon of water.
It is best not to rush this process and to allow plenty of time between assembly steps so that the Royal Icing can properly dry.
For ease of piping, designs such as latticework can be piped on the pieces before gluing them together, but no candy should be placed until the house is assembled. The weight from the candy could make the house more likely to fall down while the icing dries.
Looking for healthier options when it comes to gingerbread house decorations? Try nuts, raisins, pretzels, dried fruit, or any other snacks that are readily available in the bulk foods section of most supermarkets.
Once you have completed decorating the gingerbread house, spread any leftover icing onto the base to look like snow.
Any leftover Royal Icing should be thrown out once the house is decorated, as it contains raw egg white, and should not be saved for later use.
For a finishing touch, sift a little bit of powdered sugar over the house for a "freshly fallen snow" look.
Some notes about making the house:
Working quickly is very important as Royal Icing dries very fast once it has been piped. In order to keep it from hardening while you are working with it, store the icing in a sealed container with a damp paper towel directly on its surface.
If you don't have a pastry bag available, simply use a heavy duty resealable plastic bag with one small corner cut off for the piping tip, to decorate your house.
Be sure to let your assembled gingerbread house dry for at least one hour before adding the candy decorations. This way, you can ensure that the weight of the candies will not collapse your structure before the Royal Icing has set.
If the Royal Icing seems too thick, it can be thinned with a tablespoon of water.
It is best not to rush this process and to allow plenty of time between assembly steps so that the Royal Icing can properly dry.
For ease of piping, designs such as latticework can be piped on the pieces before gluing them together, but no candy should be placed until the house is assembled. The weight from the candy could make the house more likely to fall down while the icing dries.
Looking for healthier options when it comes to gingerbread house decorations? Try nuts, raisins, pretzels, dried fruit, or any other snacks that are readily available in the bulk foods section of most supermarkets.
Once you have completed decorating the gingerbread house, spread any leftover icing onto the base to look like snow.
Any leftover Royal Icing should be thrown out once the house is decorated, as it contains raw egg white, and should not be saved for later use.
For a finishing touch, sift a little bit of powdered sugar over the house for a "freshly fallen snow" look.
Food Art
Tzatziki (Engl) (DE)
Tzatziki with Crudites (Engl)
Tzatziki (DE)
Tzatziki ist der perfekte Begleiter für Grillfleisch. Keine Grillparty ohne diesen leckeren Dip. Passt auch wunderbar zu Salaten.
Tzatziki (DE)
Tzatziki ist der perfekte Begleiter für Grillfleisch. Keine Grillparty ohne diesen leckeren Dip. Passt auch wunderbar zu Salaten.
Sauces and Dips
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Culinary Travels - Canada (Engl)
Montreal Eats (Engl)
Lonely Planet author, Tim Hornyak, shows off the culinary highlights of his home town Montreal, Canada. Forget high end cuisine - there are particular local specialties brought to the city by immigrants from around the world. Tim takes on a teetering smoked meat sandwich from Schwartz's, bagels from the St. Viateur bakery and a serious-looking mountain of gravy-smothered fries called 'Poutine' from La Banquise.
Montreal (Engl)
Culinary Travels - Outaouais (Engl) (Link)
Explore the history, culture and gourmet dining of Outaouais, Canada.
Ottawa Culinary Scene (Engl)
Description: Learn about the bustling culinary scene in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Lonely Planet author, Tim Hornyak, shows off the culinary highlights of his home town Montreal, Canada. Forget high end cuisine - there are particular local specialties brought to the city by immigrants from around the world. Tim takes on a teetering smoked meat sandwich from Schwartz's, bagels from the St. Viateur bakery and a serious-looking mountain of gravy-smothered fries called 'Poutine' from La Banquise.
Montreal (Engl)
Culinary Travels - Outaouais (Engl) (Link)
Explore the history, culture and gourmet dining of Outaouais, Canada.
Ottawa Culinary Scene (Engl)
Description: Learn about the bustling culinary scene in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ravioli Caprese mit Cocktailtomaten (DE)
Salvatore Certo kocht im Restaurant Capricorno klassische Capreser Küche – einfache Pasta- und Fischgerichte aus frischen Zutaten.
Italian recipes
Kochchef Thomas Bühner - Drei Sterne im Guide Michelin (DE)
Das ist in der Gastronomie die höchste Auszeichnung,die ein Restaurant bekommen kann.In Deutschland dürfen sich für das Jahr 2010 neun Lokale damit schmücken. Will ein Küchenchef in die Liga der Drei-Sterne-Restaurants aufsteigen,muß er dafür zunächst vom Guide Michelin nominiert werden. Das „La Vie in Osnabrück im Norden Deutschlands wurde in diesem Jahr als ein solcher Hoffnungsträger eingestuft. Der Inhaber und Chefkoch Thomas Bühner steht nun ein Jahr lang unter besonders strenger Beobachtung der Restauranttester.
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