A copper cataplana pot is used to steam and serve this family-style meal. Assembled with a creamy red pepper sauce, vegetables, chorizo and an array of seafood, it makes an incredible presentation when you pop the lid to reveal the finished steaming stew.
Used to cook typically Mediterranean dishes, especially clams and seafood in general. The cooking process used by the cataplana prevents the loss of the ingredients’ aromas, ensuring full and excellent flavour.
Stockfisch Cataplana (DE)
Stockfisch, in Portugal Bacalhau genannt, ist ein Kabeljau, der durch Salz und Lufttrocknung haltbar gemacht wurde. Sein unnachahmlicher Geschmack lässt nicht nur die Herzen wahrer Freaks höher schlagen. Gekocht wird in der traditionellen Cataplana.
hosted by 55PLUS-magazin.TV
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