Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We Feed The World - Essen Global (DE) (Engl)


In seinem Dokumentarfilm WE FEED THE WORLD – ESSEN GLOBAL beschäftigt sich der österreichische Regisseur Erwin Wagenhofer am Beispiel der Nahrungsmittelproduktion mit dem Wirken und den Folgen der Globalisierung.
Er geht in seiner Dokumentation unter anderem der Frage nach, woher die Billigtomaten aus unseren Supermärkten kommen und behandelt dabei die weit reichenden Folgen industrialisierter Landwirtschaft.


WE FEED THE WORLD is a film about food and globalisation, fishermen and farmers, long-distance lorry drivers and high-powered corporate executives, the flow of goods and cash flow–a film about scarcity amid plenty. With its unforgettable images, the film provides insight into the production of our food and answers the question what world hunger has to do with us .
In WE FEED THE WORLD, Austrian filmmaker Erwin Wagenhofer traces the origins of the food we eat. His journey takes him to France, Spain, Romania, Switzerland, Brazil and back to Austria.
Interviewed are not only fishermen, farmers, agronomists, biologists and the UN's Jean Ziegler, but also the director of production at Pioneer, the world's largest seed company, as well as Peter Brabeck, Chairman and CEO of Nestlé International, the largest food company in the world.
Every day in Vienna the amount of unsold bread sent back to be disposed of is enough to supply Austria's second-largest city, Graz. Around 350,000 hectares of agricultural land, above all in Latin America, are dedicated to the cultivation of soybeans to feed Austria's livestock while one quarter of the local population starves. Every European eats ten kilograms a year of artificially irrigated greenhouse vegetables from southern Spain, with water shortages the result.

(Video in German with English Subtitles)

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