Bluefin Tuna are having a hard time surviving. Once abundant and thriving, the Bluefin Tuna population declined by 99 percent between 1963 and 2007, bringing this overfished species to the brink of extinction.
Bluefin Tuna flesh is the darkest and fattiest of any tuna. Because of its high fat content, bluefin is especially prized as sushi and sashimi. A higher fat content in bluefin is equated with a higher quality product. Also, because of the high fat content, cooking is not advised as it produces a strong fish taste and odor when cooked. The Bluefin Tuna is the largest of the commercially caught Tuna species.At current rates of catch, driving up by increasing demand from Japan for use in sushi, Atlantic Bluefin Tuna stocks will be gone within 3 years. That's the word from WWF:spawning Bluefin Tuna will entirely disappear by 2012.
The state of European seas in figures:
Bluefin Tuna: the Mediterranean fishery is on the verge of commercial collapse after years of fishing 4 times more than the recommended amounts.
Cod: all stocks are overexploited.
Hake: currently under recovery plans that allow gear that catch juveniles (more than 20% of the total).
Swordfish: overexploited in the Mediterranean, with 50-70% of the catch comprised of juveniles.
Anchovy: fishery closed in the Cantabrian and other fishing grounds will soon be closed where fleets are catching double the recommended amount.
Plaice: overexploited in most fishing grounds; this fishery generates up to 90% discards.
Whiting: fisheries are open against scientific recommendations.
Monkfish: catches exceed scientific advice by 40%.
Grenadier: populations have declined 90% in recent years due to overfishing.
Tonno Rosso (IT)
Il problema è sempre lo stesso: l'industria del tonno sta distruggendo gli stock pescando troppo e con metodi distruttivi. Gli scienziati stimano che le catture totali del tonno rosso sono circa il doppio di quelle legali e il quadruplo di quanto lo stock è oggi in grado di sostenere se si vuole dare al tonno rosso una possibilità di recupero.Poiché l´industria della pesca è ora completamente fuori controllo ed ha portato il tonno rosso quasi all' estinzione, Greenpeace chiede la creazione di una rete di riserve marine, che protegga il 40 per cento degli oceani del mondo, per risolvere il problema della pesca eccessiva e consentire il recupero dei nostri oceani sovrasfruttati.
La última oportunidad para el Atún rojo (Esp)
El Atún (Esp)
Documental sobre la captura y elaboración del Atún (Esp)
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