Fiddleheads is something like a cross between broccoli and asparagus, with a bit more of a nutty or woodsy flavour.
Basic Boiled or Steamed Fiddleheads Boiling and steaming are the simplest way to cook fiddleheads. You can fully taste the texture and crispness of the fiddleheads this way. You can use any kind of steamer to steam fiddleheads.
1 pound cleaned fiddleheads 1 tbsp butter Juice from 1 lemon Salt and pepper, to taste 3 tsp Dijon mustard, optional Parmesan cheese
Kurz vor ihrem 30. Geburtstag fühlt sich Julie Powell (AMY ADAMS) ziemlich niedergeschlagen. Auf der Suche nach einer anderen Richtung, die sie ihrem Leben geben könnte, oder zumindest etwas Zerstreuung, entdeckt Julie eine neue Leidenschaft: Akribisch kocht sie innerhalb von einem Jahr alle 524 Rezepte in Julia Childs (MERYL STREEP) berühmtem Kochbuch-Klassiker "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" nach und stellt anschließend ihre Erfahrungsberichte ins Internet – zur großen Freude einer zunehmend wachsenden Fangemeinde im Cyberspace. In "Julie & Julia" schlüpfen Meryl Streep und Amy Adams in die Rollen zweier leidenschaftlicher Köchinnen - und erzählen darin die Lebensgeschichten zweier Frauen, die die amerikanische Kochkultur von den 50er Jahren bis heute entscheidend mitgeprägt haben. (Ab 3. September im Kino)
Chicken Breasts with Parma Ham with Jamie Oliver (Engl)
Chanterelle Mushroom Risotto (Engl)
A step by step method for creating a delectable risotto with Chanterelle Mushrooms, basil and truffle oil.
Piemonte - Italy (Engl) (Link)
Chef Mark is in Piemonte for BITEG 2009, (Burso Internazionale di Turismo EnoGastronomico), and discovering the typical foods of the province. (Engl) (Link)
Braised Salmon & Fennel w/ Pine Nuts & Saffron (Engl)
Gently cooked salmon soaks in the flavors of fennel and saffron-infused wine. The aroma of toasted pine nuts, and beauty of this dish are only rivaled by its flavors, making it a perfect one-skillet meal to serve to family and friends.
Mustard Crusted Salmon Fillet (Engl)
How to cut Salmon (English Subtitles)
Wild Salmon (Engl)
In the heart of Vancouver is Vij's Restaurant where we meet up with Chef/Owner Vikram Vij who shows us how to prepare a delightful marinated and grilled Wild Salmon! Vij's is one of the absolute gems of Vancouver and we are so honored to learn from this master Indian chef!
Seared Swordfish (Engl)
Salt CodCakes (Engl)
"Passatelli in Brodo di Pesce" dello chef Moreno Cedroni (IT)
(Zuppa di Pesce)
E ancora un altro video sul Pesce azzurro e due ricette (IT)
How to Cook a Crab and How to Clean a Crab (Engl)
Bacalao al Pil-Pil (Esp)
White Miso-Cured Wild Alaskan Black Cod (Engl)
Scallop Foie Gras in Puff Pastry (Engl)
Crab and Corn Chowder (Engl)
Taboulé Von Hummer in Erno's Bistro (DE)
Der Franzose Valéry Mathis kocht in Frankfurt auf hohem Niveau in Erno's Bistro!
Tintenfisch-Risotto (DE)
Der Chefkoch des Hotels Danieli in Venedig bereitet ein traditionelles venezianisches Gericht zu.Risotto mit gegrilltem Tintenfisch und Erbsenpüree.
Creamy Fish Pie (Engl)
Poached Cod w/ Purple Potatoes (Engl)
Citrus poached Cod, served up w/ purple potatoes and a roasted beet vinaigrette. Wholesome, pure, and nourishing cuisine.
Periwinkles are one of the most overlooked and underrated members of the seafood family. They are what we like to call "the poor man's escargot." Lynne has prepared them Portuguese style - very simply with just garlic powder, pepper and a little seaweed. But you could also bathe them in butter and garlic if you so choose.
Fisch (DE)
Frutti di Mare - Full Video (DE)
Scampi, Garnelen, Tintenfisch in allen Spielarten, große und kleine Muscheln, Meeresschnecken – wer im Urlaub über den Fischmarkt einer Hafenstadt spaziert, dem gehen die Augen über. Viele dieser Meeresfrüchte kann man längst auch bei uns in guten Supermärkten und Fachgeschäften finden, manches frisch, anderes küchenfertig in der Tiefkühltruhe. Aber viele trauen sich nicht dran, weil sie nicht wissen, wie man damit umgeht. Martina und Moritz wissen da Rat: Sie erklären, wie man Frutti di Mare –so heißen die Meeresfrüchte in Italien - richtig aussucht, zeigen Schritt für Schritt, wie man sie putzt, vor- und zubereitet – es ist eigentlich alles ganz einfach. Die schönsten Rezeptideen, zum Beispiel: Spaghetti mit Venusmuscheln, Marinierte Sepie (Tintenfisch), Kartoffelsalat mit Oktopus (Krake) und Bohnen, Garnelen mit Aioli und gedämpfte Scampi. Und weil alles so fix geht, verraten sie auch noch zu allen Rezepten schnelle Varianten und suchen natürlich die passenden Weine dazu aus.
Clam Chowder (Engl)
No more thick and gloopy clam chowder! This one has loads of flavor and can be put together in no time!
Taglierini Vongole e Gallinella di Mare (IT)
(Vongole e Telline)
Cristian Capellaro dell'Antica Locanda del Birichin di Busca (Cn) ci mostra come preparare questo ottimo piatto.
Filetti di Gallinella di mare e Vongole veraci, prezzemolo, olio extra vergine di oliva, pepe nero, pomodoro, cipolla e spicchi d'aglio.
La nostra passione maniacale per spigole e orate spiega la crescita del settore dell’acquacoltura (+4%, dati Ismea 2008), mentre in mare continua il calo delle catture (-6%). Non è un problema solo italiano, il rapporto Fao Sofia 2008 conferma un aumento della produzione ittica dovuto all’acquacoltura, ormai questa è la provenienza di metà del pesce che consumiamo. La domanda non è più “pescato o allevato” ma “allevato come e dove. Adesso si gioca la partita del bio e del sostenibile. Conta la composizione dei mangimi, gli integratori, la densità dei pesci negli impianti e il tipo di acque. E conta parecchio l’origine, i prodotti di importazione si sono rivelati a rischio: in gamberi allevati in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cina e America Latina sono state trovate tracce di antibiotici veterinari che lì si possono usare mentre l’Europa li vieta da anni.
Dunque dovremmo cominciare a comprare pesci un po’ meno conosciuti del nostro mare, evitando sia il novellame che i pesci di grosse dimensioni, come tonno o pesce spada, perché le loro carni contengono potenzialmente metalli pesanti. Per alcune specie siamo già a livello di guardia, e non ci sono alternative, se non allentare la pressione di pesca e creare periodi di ripopolamento ad hoc. Un esempio su tutti il caso del nostro tonno rosso: da quando è nata la moda del sushi la richiesta è aumentata di botto. Il risultato è che non ne se trova più e che viene sostituito a volte subdolamente con specie meno pregiate, come il tonno obeso o pinne gialle: e allora, perché non ripiegare su tonnetti, tombarelli o sgombri?
Farmed Fish (Engl)
The demand for seafood has grown significantly over the last several decades and 30% percent of the world's seafood is now farmed. That can be good or bad depending on the species, and how and where it's raised.
Aquaculture usually does not ease pressure on declining wild populations. Often, it does the opposite. Most fish need to eat other fish so catching wild fish to turn into pellet feed for farmed fish means there are fewer in the wild to serve as prey for the wild ones that are left. Farming carnivorous fish like salmon depletes wild stocks of other species—on average, every pound of farmed salmon consumes three pounds of wild-caught fish, and it takes an estimated two to five pounds of fish to raise one pound of farmed brown shrimp.
Shrimp farming is one of the most destructive forms of aquaculture. In Latin America and Southeast Asia, coastal wetlands and mangrove forests have been destroyed to make room for shrimp farms. These coastal wetlands and mangroves are a natural nursery for many varieties of marine life and provide protection from hurricanes and other natural disasters.
Tonnellate di pesce, ogni giorno, vengono sprecate, letteralmente buttate via, perché i consumatori non le conoscono e non le richiedono. Pesci buoni, anzi ottimi, con proteine certamente più preziose rispetto a quelli d’allevamento, non vengono consumati perché hanno le spine e nessuno ha voglia di cucinare altro, se non tranci e filetti. E non stiamo parlando di qualche spatola o sugherello, ma di decine di tonnellate sprecate. Anche i pescatori, infatti, sono condizionati da quello che chiede il mercato e allora, quando tirano le reti, conservano le specie che tutti chiedono e buttano via il resto.
gr 200 di petali di rose non trattate, gr 400 zucchero, 6 dl acqua , 1/2 limone. Lavare i petali e triturarli con la mezzaluna (non troppo fini perchè non vada via il succo), mescolarli con lo zucchero (200 gr), e il limone (impastandoli con le mani e mescolandoli a lungo). Fate scaldare l’acqua con il resto dello zucchero e con l’impasto, fate bollire fino ad avere uno sciroppo denso. Quando diventa vischiosa la marmellata è pronta.
First Lady Michelle Obama on Health and Nutrition (Engl)
First Lady Michelle Obama hosts an event focused on health and nutrition, including the harvesting of vegetables from the White House Kitchen Garden on the South Lawn of the White House. She is joined by students from Bancroft Elementary who will also assist in the preparation of a meal.
First Lady Michelle Obama and White House chef Sam Kass tell the story of the first garden on White House grounds since Eleanor Roosevelt's Victory Garden during World War II. This new garden was planted in the Spring of 2009 with the help of local elementary school children and has yielded a constant supply fresh produce for the First Family and White House events.
Just soak your Meat of choice in the Marinade for 30 minutes and prepare as desired.
Marinade Recipe:
1/2 cup cilantro leaves, parsley or tarragon
1 lemon
1/8 cup white wine, optional
3/4 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon garlic puree or 1 clove minced garlic
Roughly chop the cilantro and carefully remove the zest (outer yellow peel from the lemon). The zest adds a lot of flavor to this marinade.
Next, cut the lemon in half and add lemon juice to a mixing bowl. Add the wine, chopped cilantro and lemon zest, followed by the garlic.
Slowly pour the olive oil into the marinade and whisk quickly until it starts to thicken. This is called an emulsion.
When the marinade has thickened, let it sit about 30 minutes and then pour it over your meat.
Basil & Tomato Infused Oil (Engl)
Parsley and Curry infused Oils (Engl)
Infused oils are oils that have the taste of either herbs or spices combined with their own flavour. They are simple to make but add another dimension of flavour to many dishes.
Canola Infused Oils (Engl)
The neutral flavor of Canola oil allows the flavor of other ingredients to shine. Whether you make the assertive Roasted Beet with Taragon oil, the light vanilla bean and lemon oil or the more floral Basil and lemon oil, your dishes will be stand out sensations.
Eduardo Sousa es un elaborador de patés extremeño que afirma ser el único productor de foie gras de ganso ibérico alimentado en libertad. La Patería de Sousa se dirige a un segmento de mercado (principalmente en el extranjero) bajo la denominación "Foie gras ético español". El producto de Eduardo Sousa obtuvo reconocimiento internacional al ser premiado en el Salon Internacional de la Alimentación que se celebra en París por su carácter biológico, su exquisitez y por elaborarse sin maltrato con antiguas recetas familiares que desde 1812 han ido perfeccionando.
En este video (en inglés con subtítulos) el chef Dan Barber consejero de Barack Obama cuenta como conocíó al ganadero extremeño.
En este otro video Eduardo Sousa habla de su empresa de Foie artesanal
Foie Gras (Engl)
Janet Street Porter goes to France and Spain to test out their Foie Gras.
Spain… on the road again es el nuevo documental guiado de la mano de la actriz Gwyneth Paltrow . El repertorio muestra la cultura y gastronomía española y también cuenta con el chef Mario Batali, el comentarista de alimentos del New York Times Mark Bittman y la actriz y cantante Claudia Bassols quienes, a lo largo del programa, recorren España en busca de sus mejores platos.
Éste es uno de los episodios de la serie.
A Parada das Bestas (Esp)
Gwyneth Paltrow, Mario Batali, Mark Bittman y Claudia Bassols visitan A Parada das Bestas en su serie de programas Spain.
Cocina española con Mario Batali (en inglés)
Street Food - San Sebastian (Spain) (Engl)
One of Europe's gourmet capitals, this northern Spanish city boasts many expensive, world-class restaurants. But the residents reserve immense gastronomic pride for their more earthy, wholesome fare - echoing the fierce pride they reserve for their Basque culture.
Street Food - San Sebastian Part 1
Street Food - San Sebastian Part 2
Basque Gastronomy - Spain
In the Basque country, men get together to cook succulent, gastronomic feasts for each other. Competitions are held between the best cooks, and it's all washed down with lots of red wine.
Lidia Bastianich is a pioneering chef (FOUR restaurants!), PBS TV star, award-winning author, winemaker, wife, mother, grandmother.... But as you'll see from her video, despite her spectacular success, Lidia is so down-to-earth, warm, serene, and brimming with enthusiasm for her native Italy and simple Italian food.
The food in Liguria is based on the Mediterranean cooking. Common to all recipes is of course the olive oil, which is the Mediterranean way of preparing food. Pesto is a sauce made from basil, pine nuts, garlic, Parmesan cheese and olive oil. The main dishes are mainly a variety of pasta. These pasta are flavored with their delicious pesto or meat sauce. The pansotti, is a type of ravioli that is made of vegetables and herbs with a walnut sauce.
A typical Ligurian fare is Focaccia and Pies. They are eaten during mealtimes or as a tasty snack. The Focaccia comes with olive oil or filled with cheese, either way it simply is delicious to eat.
Since the coast borders Liguria, Fishes abound in this area. Fresh fish caught in the Mediterranean are transformed into delicious dishes. One such dish to try is the famous capon magro; a very complex dish made of different fishes and boiled vegetables then seasoned with different herbs and pine nuts.